Prismatic Greatsword

Will not allow me to take it to legendary... is that by intent or a bug?
  • Sihnfahl
    Why bother? Once you get deeper into vet levels, it's useless. Boost it to legend, it'll last you to V2. Maybe 3.
  • dahl.lucas_ESO
    I made one full set of purple quality at v6, saving everything else for v12. I'd renamed you do the same. It's nice to have legendary at any lvl but you will out level them and I feel it's kinda a waste at that point.
  • Diaboli
    The same mats you use to make legendary at level 5 can make vet rank gear. I never go over blue until end game, unless I know for a fact I can ride a piece out for lik 10 levels. Which is insanely unlikely.
    If I throw a dog a bone, I don't care to know how it tastes... - Brick Top
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    Why bother? Once you get deeper into vet levels, it's useless. Boost it to legend, it'll last you to V2. Maybe 3.

    Why bother? Because, for one, it will help them enjoy the content now rather than putting off until later. For many the game's about moment-to-moment enjoyment, not struggling, 'grinding', or what have you for 61 levels. When you get to the level cap the game's mostly over.

    In relation to the OP: I don't know if it's a bug or not. I can't see why you theoretically shouldn't be able to.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • LariahHunding
    I have kept my Prismatic Greatsword and the Suit of lvl 48 white heavy armor full health armor that I defeat Molag Bol with for sentimental reasons. Maybe I can display it if housing ever makes it into the game

    I really like that sword, first purple I had in the game.

    I couldn't make mine legendary either.
    "Give a man a sweet roll, he only has one to steal. Give him a sweet roll recipe, he have bunches to steal."

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