Treat classes as mutually exclusive skills lines.

Allow us to retrain our class.

It's a big thing to ask for, I'm well aware of the drawbacks.
But it would bring two very very important things:

Balance, we have seen and heard the cries for balance on these forums, and the accusations of whom is the most overpowered.
I think it would create a more enjoyable environment if people were able to try out what another class was like, without abandoning their main.
Some are attached to their name, or their achievements, we were even able (or forced) to go trough the other factions questzones.

Possibilities, new classes, and skill-lines could lay beyond the horizon,
what about a more ice oriented class? Or something druidic/ranger like?
Personally, I would really love a necromancer like summoner.

I for one like having a main, and this game has gone too great lengths to make this possible and enjoyable, but I do feel like being punished for picking the wrong class.

Eventually we could all relax and settle with the class we enjoy most, and offer a more objective opinion in regards to balance and gameplay between the classes.

What do you think?
  • Noswell
    I think the way to go is to add morphs to the class lines. So, morph Sorc into necro, pets convert into undead. Want to play your NB with light armor/staff? Morph into Shadowmage. Or morph into Ranger if you prefer bow. Etc.

    I think they won't mess with class lines being available to all because some decisions have to be permanent or everyone ends up the same.
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