Thanks for fixing the Puncturing Sweep lockout, now there's a new bug I'm experiencing on Templars that is bugging the crap out of me with casting certain spells and the way they get locked out when a critter, whether its valid to be attacked like a rat or invalid like a butterfly gets in the way of the cursor. I don't mean to be targeting them, but there are so many out there in the wild, in dungeons, and everywhere else its hard not to target them by accident; its gotten worse in the last patch they seem to have bigger radius and its messing up some spells.
First one I ran into is Solar Barrage being unable to cast if I'm facing a certain way or if my cursor is targeting something like a critter. It doesn't make any sense since its a non-target requirement spell, its an instant cast aoe that damages everything within melee range of me, it has no specified target so it shouldn't get disabled like that.
The second spell also has no target-requirement being Rushed Ceremony / Breath of Life. This spell auto targets the lowest health player in range then heals the two next lowest health targets. It has the same issue if my cursor is facing a certain direction or maybe its targeting a critter then the spell is disabled preventing you from casting it until you move or the target does. This one doesn't do any damage, why is it getting locked out when hovering over a critter?
Shielded Assault is giving me grief at times as well, the cursor is either too sensitive or gives priority to critters. It too will disable if my cursor hovers over a critter that happens to be between me and my intended target where I end up spamming the button trying to get myself to Charge and nothing happens.