Trying to research "Researchable" traits, but not working...

I have two traits I am attempting to research. I am VR3, and the swords are lvl 1 made by a friend. When I click to research, then select the item, then select research, nothing happens except the sound as if I had put the item into my bag.


What am I doing wrong? This is first time I've had this happen. Thank you.
  • Nazon_Katts
    You cannot research more than one trait at a time per item type. Since you are already researching 'training' (which I recommend doing last, since you can just buy the needed item from FG/MG vendors), you have to wait for that to finish. EDIT: to continue researching sword traits, that is. All other weapon/armor traits can be researched of course.
    Edited by Nazon_Katts on 3 June 2014 00:45
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • 1ne2woBe
    Thank you so much @Nazon_Katts! I did not know that! Yea, I knew to do that last, however I was not getting anything new to research, had the slot open for so long and decided to go ahead to do it. Too bad you can not purchase daggers with the trait via Fighters Guild.

    Thanks again buddy for the information!! :D
  • Food4Thought
    This is actually a very common issue that people don't catch - trying to research two traits from the same item at the same time.

    I guess it makes since from a game point of view. Trying to learn two traits at the same time from the same item might confuse you and make the training harder. It is the only reason I could come up with why the game has the limit put in place. It is just a game mechanic to add a level of realism. Nothing more nothing less.
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