I waited two days for support to fix the seed quest from the weekend. It was finaly done and so I was able to complete Coldharbor. Worked on and off all day to level from 49 to 50, because I had read and found out that unless you are level 50. You cant win the level 50 main quest. So I went to do it. Moved past all the minions and came up to kill Molag Bal just to find it is now bugged. COME ON! I don't usually complain in games but this is getting real old. I have put up with the getting stuck in the game. Out of nowhere I can't move. Mouse, keyboard every thing works. Just cant move the feet so I have to log out and back in. I can use the /stuck command but you guy have the nerve to charge us a gold fee for your bug? This is cheap dirty BS.
And now this bug keeping me from killing Molag Bal. He pulls me up, drops me, I die and then rez back, run back up to fight and he does nothing. Come on guys fix this stuff. My patients is running thin, I mean you did have testing right, I know because I helped?