Through out our adventures we get a number of NPCs to fight at our side, sometimes even multiple NPCs will join us on our quests to aid us. Some of them are useful, some of them are not (the vast majority), some can die, some get knocked to zero health and cower in the corner soaking up healing.
Through out the game I have noticed that the vast majority do very little damage, I once got knocked through a wall had to teleport away and then run back into the fight and not one enemy had been slain. Many of them also don't have the sense to get out of the way of charging enemies thereby getting knocked to the floor and not triggering the stun effect of a miss. So in this case they are worse than useless. Now I don't know if this is by design or not but it makes me cringe when I get a companion as the battles seem to be weighted a little bit more difficult while at the same time these people do very little to assist. So who do people cringe the most at when they find they are having to fight by their side?
For me it has to be Sai Sahan, a man so stupid as to shave his head so foes can't grab onto his hair but keep his beard cause his so quick no one could grab on. Hang on a second if you so quick they can't grab your beard why aren't you so quick they can't grab your hair? But anyway, a man so stupid he hides an item from a necromancer in a crypt seriously how stupid are you. A man so stupid that he hides an idea him another crypt from a necromancer and then can't remember how he lowered a draw bridge. Who places an item in a warded room that doesn't keep the necromancer our but does keep you out. And this mighty warrior, what assistance does he offer in combat is none . And this is some mighty Red Guard Warrior? I am meant to believe he was leader of the dragon guard the guy is pathetic and can't even fight a stand level trash mob.