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Veteran rank (V2) difficulty

Soul Shriven
I must say that I find the game unfinished and unpolished. Most Veteran content I have experienced feels like group and not single-player content. I have gear for my level, maxed skills that I use, maxed racials, maxed armor skill I use and I still die extremely easily. As in killed in one cc in heavy armor. As in dying straight from 60%+ health.
I am quite angry because I can't complete a quest where I have to kill a boss + add. If I get cced ONCE I get killed. Nothing I can do about it. Not cool. (And yes, i know how to dodge, block and interrupt.) I have tried different skills, weapons. Always the same. cc = unavoidable death.
The game feels like Bethesda has just multiplied NPCs stats by some number and didn't bother to test it.
Really bad job! -.-
Edited by Edward000 on 24 May 2014 22:08
  • nerevarine1138
    Group content?! In an MMO?!

    Someone call the game-police!
  • Worstluck
    There is currently an issue in veteran areas where some NPC's are much stronger than they should be. They supposedly hotfixed it yesterday but I don't think it's been totally fixed. We shouldn't need to group for fetch quests. I have a hard enough time getting into a group of any kind during my playtime (late night PST).
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • skarvika
    It does kind of make an unexpected jump in difficulty, but so far most of the vet content I've played is doable solo. Right now people are having issues with mobs being able to kill them in just a couple hits so I think it's just a matter of waiting it out until this problem is fixed for good.
    QQing is a full time job
  • Vlaxitov
    Group content?! In an MMO?!

    Someone call the game-police!

    Because no MMO has ever had solo and group content in the same game.

    Because even though its labeled solo content, they really mean group.

  • zaria
    I was a bit scared going from coldharbor to VR1 but it was not an huge issue, however I was VR1 before entering, if you are 47 it might be different.
    Going from VR1 to VR2 as VR2 its a bit harder but not much.

    The huge difficulty in some veteran zones Friday was a bug who has been fixed,
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • michaelpatrickjonesnub18_ESO
    Edward000 wrote: »
    As in killed in one cc in heavy armor. As in dying straight from 60%+ health.

    Yes, it'll be a pain for many. I stopped playing at Vet 2. Just walking across the landscape became time consuming. Tedious. Found myself sneaking around and dodging everything, rather than fighting. Two assassin beetles could easily kill me if the fight didn't unfold perfectly. That includes lag.

    I also found myself standing around a lot, waiting for someone to come by. But that wore on me, and began to feel cheesy. Waiting to tag things just to get credit for some combat.

    Last quest I had I was supposed to kill a mini and his sidekick in a ship. I stood there forever waiting in the hull, for help. Finally said forget it. This game is done.
  • Edward000
    Soul Shriven
    Edward000 wrote: »
    Last quest I had I was supposed to kill a mini and his sidekick in a ship. I stood there forever waiting in the hull, for help. Finally said forget it. This game is done.

    Lol, maybe we had the same quest. Free some captives and kill captain A-something. I have waited for some people to come and in group we did it.

    I feel very much like you. I have unsubbed from the game, won't be renewing sub unless they fix current content.
  • Valerien
    While My experience in VR2 zone isn't this bad I have found that I am 30K short of VR3 despite having completed every quest I can come across except the bugged one.

    With the increased difficulty of the mobs I can't see grinding/farming to get the xp is viable. Equally if I move into the VR3 zone and start questing I am likely to be half way through before I get to VR3 and then will be even shorted when I get to VR4. So this doesn't seem to be the option either.

    It begs the question what is the best method for closing the gap? Are there daily quests? Or do I need to find the gold farming bots and tag on the end where they farm a boss mob?
  • Edward000
    Soul Shriven
    I was planning on going to Cyrodiil for missing XP. That and dungeons.
  • phairdon
    Valerien wrote: »
    While My experience in VR2 zone isn't this bad I have found that I am 30K short of VR3 despite having completed every quest I can come across except the bugged one.

    With the increased difficulty of the mobs I can't see grinding/farming to get the xp is viable. Equally if I move into the VR3 zone and start questing I am likely to be half way through before I get to VR3 and then will be even shorted when I get to VR4. So this doesn't seem to be the option either.

    It begs the question what is the best method for closing the gap? Are there daily quests? Or do I need to find the gold farming bots and tag on the end where they farm a boss mob?

    Same; always short of xp for the next zone.
    Outside of the issue with patch 1.1.12, found the veteran area's to be manageable solo for the most part. Biggest hindrance is finding help when you need it.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Censorious
    Been sitting at VR2-and-a-half for a week.
    There's plenty of quests for me to do - I just don't seem to have the inclination to bother.
    That's why I'm sitting here typing.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Brayton
    I moved from V1 to V2 after the patch. I am a sorcerer tank and although I'm a little squishy due to low weapon output, I can usually get round it with my sorcerer skills.
    On moving to V2, everything just became nigh-on impossible. I can't do any quests that involve a group of three mobs. I have to change my abilities according to each mob to even have a chance at not dying. I use armor buffs, food and potions on regular mobs and still die.
    I know this is veteran content, but when I get killed repeatedly by a pack of wolves or two beetles that I could solo well before, it stops being fun.
    And then, just when I've reached breaking point, the death recap pops up and tells me to do exactly what I WAS doing.
    I cannot believe I have become so completely useless at this game in the space of 2 days that I cannot dispatch two regular mobs without dying. But, then again, maybe I have.
  • atomikrej
    To the OP
    I'm assuming you are talking about bosses because I don't remember encountering a basic mob that took me down 60% in one shot. I've been in the Vet 2 and 3 areas all weekend and have not noticed an increased difficulty in mobs post patch.
    Anyway one thing that could help is immovable brute. You say you use heavy armour so I'm sure you have that ability. I find it quite useful for tanking the enemies as it makes you immune to knockdown and disabling effects plus gives a big increase in armour and spell resistance. You just have to remember to reapply because it runs out after 8 seconds. Another thing I found useful is a good cc spell on your skill slot. I'm a DK and use crushing rocks which basically freezes an enemy for 15 seconds. I have beaten a few bosses by freezing them when my health gets low and basically waiting for my health/magica/stamina to recharge during the time when the boss is down.
    Do you have a healing ability fitted permanently in your skill slot? I was having real trouble in Vr zones until I fitted in dragon's blood. All classes have some sort of heal, also if you dual wield blood craze is a really nice ability for doing damage and healing yourself back up at the same time.
    Not sure if you eat food but that can help a lot in survivability. That extra 350 hp can make a huge difference in close battles.
    I've fought a few tough quest bosses in Vr zones that can basically 1 shot you if you stand in the area of effect and don't have your defences up. I remember I had real problems with Angof because he had that spell that 1 shotted you from full health. I ended up teaming up with someone and the fight went well. Also just today I went in to fight a world boss in a Vr3 zone, charged in and got killed in one attack. So it happens and I guess you just have to laugh it off. The good thing is if something is too hard for a single person you can always group up. There's no shame in that. It is an MMO afterall. If you really want to do the content solo maybe look more carefully at your build and see if you can optimise it anywhere.
  • orablast
    A lot of the VR5 quest bosses feel more like a chore than fun. And then when I do ask for help from my guild, we are placed in different phases, because my guild mates completed it already. I eventually cheese my way through the fight, but I can't say that I'm really having fun anymore.
    Guild Master of Thornblade
    Daggerfall Covenant
  • Edward000
    Soul Shriven
    atomikrej: Thanks for input. In case you want to compare:
    I am not playing a full tank, I was going for a paladin style. Dps in heavy armor and with a healing ability. Sort of jack-of-all trades.
    I am playing a templar (which I thought fits paladin archetype well). Unfortunately I can't think of any cc that would give me that long disable duration. What I used was a combination of 2-h Uppercut (heavy damage, enemy flies away, gets knocked down) and Biting Jabs (Five successive attacks ending in a short stun). One slot is for healing. One for charge or heavy armor skill. And the last one is for increasing a skill along the way (like Destruction Staff, or Light Armor etc.). 2nd weapon is healing staff.
    I find that using a heal is not worth the time and mana spent. After I cast it, I am back at the hp I had before cast since the enemy is dpsing on me. I am in the same situation as before the cast, just with lower mana.
    I don't think that those 60% are actually one-shots.
    Yup, using heavy armor active skill. I have it morphed for longer duration.
    As for difficulty: 1 mob almost certain win, 2 mobs are a tough fight with a good chance (I'd say 20-30%) that I'll die. 3 mobs are group content for me.
    I have distributed my attribute points evenly 1m/1h/1s.
    I'll one day finish levelling I guess, probably just a build that is not working atm.

    orablast: Ye. :/ Not enjoying it anymore either. I log in, play like 10 minutes, get owned by 2 or 3 mobs and log off.
  • Xozah
    I just finished the last quest in v1 and im v5 1/2. But i cheated a bit. The first ting i did entering veteran content was i did every solo dungeon and public dungeon and every dolmen and every world boss in all area v1-5. I also done all the 3 group dungeons v1-5. Grinded a bit cus i thought it was fun. Starting v2 content at v5 with good gear its pretty easy hehe
    Edited by Xozah on 28 May 2014 13:33
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