Questing in Cyrodiil

I am a bit disappointed in the Cyrodiil questing unless there is something that I am not getting. Is there no reward other than 300 gold and some exp to the quests?

Doesn't look like you get alliance skill points, and it seems like it is the same repeatable quests over and over, is there something I am missing? Seems silly to come quest in Cyrodiil and look over your shoulder the whole time when you can quest in peace in the regular campaign. The risk:reward ratio seems way off.

Anyone know the benefits?
  • tripiseanb14_ESO
    Just a self inflicted bump, hoping someone has some insight into the Cyrodiil questing.
  • Munku
    You answered your own question.
  • LIQUID741
    I'm in agreement with you...the reward should be a bit more. I was hoping to get some alliance pts as well when I first started questing there. Decided it wasn't worth it and went back the PvE part for questing.
    Solid-Nightblade of AD
  • Gisgo
    No enemy killed, no alliance points earned. Its good as it is.

    The benefit is having a way to make cash without leaving the pvp area (i really needed that) and to promote small skirmishes in quest hubs.

    Also they are not repeatable, they are daily quests.
    A whole run around all the hubs should get you 12k or something.
    Edited by Gisgo on 26 May 2014 21:59
  • tripiseanb14_ESO
    Gisgo wrote: »
    No enemy killed, no alliance points earned. Its good as it is.

    The benefit is having a way to make cash without leaving the pvp area (i really needed that) and to promote small skirmishes in quest hubs.

    Also they are not repeatable, they are daily quests.
    A whole run around all the hubs should get you 12k or something.


    Yea, I don't know that there NEEDS to be a way to get alliance points without killing people, just making sure I wasn't missing something. It would be nice if the rewards were a little greater, or impactful, like, a bonus to the alliance that has done more for any given village that week or something, that would be cool.

    I appreciate the response!

  • Gisgo
    Yes it would be nice to have more benefits for taking control of one or more of the hubs.
    Like a double xp buff or something, anything that brings people in Cyrodiil is good.
    Edited by Gisgo on 26 May 2014 22:11
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