What's the best class/race/Alliance to start over with?

With the removal of all achievements and the nerfing of the Templar class there's not much point in continuing With my EP Templar...
So what's the best race/class/alliance to start over With? Was thinking of doing an Imperial Dragonknight in DC, but With the nerf to Shield Bash the DK might not be so feasible anymore either...
  • SoulScream
    I was thinking the same thing and did a search then found this thread. What did you choose?
  • AngryNord
    I chose the cancel subscription, uninstall and play LoTRO instead option.
  • disexistencenub19_ESO
    DK's are more than feasible in many areas. Shield bash isn't even specific to the class.
  • zeuseason
    'Removal of achievements' is a graphical bug......
  • AngryNord
    zeuseason wrote: »
    'Removal of achievements' is a graphical bug......

    That's what they claim, anyway...
  • williambbechtoldub17_ESO
    Dark Elf DK Destruction/Resto Staff fire build.
  • Swordguy
    AngryNord wrote: »
    I chose the cancel subscription, uninstall and play LoTRO instead option.

    I didn't know these forums were called LoTRO... what does that stand for?

    Lots of Tamriel Related Opinions?

    Also, Im going to roll the dice and randomly say Orc-mage with sword/board in the Aldmeri Dominion,
    Edited by Swordguy on 25 May 2014 20:53

    Do you Troll bait?

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  • PayneTK
    After the Templar nerf i thought about this too, but i don't want to spend my next 4 weeks polishing a new build just to render it useless overnight with a new game breaking nerf.
  • williambbechtoldub17_ESO
    I am just leveling one of each class to 50. That way I can figure out which ones I want to take all the way up in VR levels.
  • Singular
    Swordguy wrote: »
    AngryNord wrote: »
    I chose the cancel subscription, uninstall and play LoTRO instead option.

    I didn't know these forums were called LoTRO... what does that stand for?

    Lots of Tamriel Related Opinions?

    Also, Im going to roll the dice and randomly say Orc-mage with sword/board in the Aldmeri Dominion,

    "Lord of the Rings Online."

    I can't imagine why anyone would think that game is better than this one, but to each their own.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • AlexDougherty
    AngryNord wrote: »
    With the removal of all achievements and the nerfing of the Templar class there's not much point in continuing With my EP Templar...
    So what's the best race/class/alliance to start over With? Was thinking of doing an Imperial Dragonknight in DC, but With the nerf to Shield Bash the DK might not be so feasible anymore either...

    Well I find the Aldmeri Dominion the most fun faction.
    I also find Dragon Knight the most fun class, but sorc comes second.
    As for race, well it's either the Khajiit or the Dunmer for me, based mostly on looks.
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