Face Animation Glitch after Crafting

Has anyone else noticed that after you finish crafting, your characters facial expression is still the concentrated or "angry face" look that shows while you craft? The only way to get it back to normal is to relog.
  • pinstripesc
    My face gets stuck after some emotes are used, like /yes, /angry, so I think it's just an overall expression thing. Not sure of one you can use off the top of my head to revert it, but one of them probably would.

    This always happened, not since Craglorn.
    Edited by pinstripesc on 24 May 2014 10:44
  • Sev
    I thought I was seeing things.

    Before crafting:

    After crafting:

    Pretty sure this is new with the patch.
    Edited by Sev on 24 May 2014 10:37
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