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Lower Level Than Quests Level

Hey all. First gotta say I love this game and is the ideal game I was looking to play as an alternate to my main mmo I play. I have been waiting for just a fun game to play at times and not rush through anything and enjoy and this is finally it.

The problem I have ran into is all the quests I am on now are level 35 and I am only level 30. I tried going back to some of the lower zones to explore and see what I missed but I am not seeing anything. I know I likely missed a lot but I don't know what to do now.

Is there any other way to get xp to catch up without doing these quests as once I do them I will just keep getting higher level ones while I am still only lvl 30 to 31. If the only thing to do is go back to all the previous zones then so be it, but hoping for some thoughts or ideas because having 2-3 out of 4 spells casts miss, it gets old and automatic death if I run into a mob of 3 or more.

Thanks all!
Edited by Bojangls on 22 May 2014 23:13
  • greeat-scottb14_ESO
    yeah - all mmo's have this prob - though all the other mmo's have a better system to track and check levels/gear. Thats something all games need to deal with - having a gear/stat/level check before entering an instance - if Wizzy101 can do it........
  • Bojangls
    True. I will say though having tried pretty much all the other mainstream mmo's, GW2 and this are the only ones I seem to complete super early to where I am 5 levels plus behind to where now I am SOL I think? Does pvp give you experience where I just need to do that for awhile?

    GW2 does though allow you to go to a different zone which adjusts your level to get xp, but I wasn't a fan of that because to me I shouldn't have to leave the place I am in to go to a completely new place.

    I know others haven't had this problem so hoping someone can give me some ideas unless the only one is to go back to ALL the lower level zones and search the entire areas for quests.
  • phairdon
    Thats odd as at most you should only be one level behind. Did you do solo dungeons? world bosses? Dolmens? Have a go at a public dungeon?
    Most maps have extra quests outside of the main ones which give the map quest completion achievement, which can include quests inside dungeons.

    Big difference with gw2 is events vs quests. As you know in gw2 we can go back to the events over & over again until the char is at the suitable level to progress.
    Once a quest is completed in this game you cannot do it again.

    Just re-reading some of this. Never found gw2 adjusted your levels in the pve side of the game. If I went into higher level area's mobs would kick my ass. In world vs world your level gets adjusted.
    Edited by phairdon on 23 May 2014 03:05
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Ish_Fingers
    I have to say I have the opposite problem - I'm at the stage now where any new quests are about 5 levels below my character level (currently Lv.43). I've definitely taken my time so far, and gone through most areas with a fine-toothed-comb, but am sure I've missed some quests/sky shards/group dungeons along the way.

    That said...

    I have gone through a couple of heavy PvP phases and certainly gained at least a two levels (likely more) through Cyrodill; largely thanks to the daily quests, but have done a few of the map-quests courtesy of help from guild members & friends.

    If you need to give yourself a boost, I suggest looking there. And yes, even solo as a pre-50 NightBlade I found myself being able to hold my own in the right situation. Can be tedious at times, but is on the whole quite a fun experience. Give it a go :).
    Edited by Ish_Fingers on 23 May 2014 00:49
  • PermaGrin
    After "completing the main story" on my 1st character a Sorc, at 45, I made sure to try to stay as under level or on par with quest as I could be on my Nightblade. Think he ended up with maybe only having to do like 3 or 4 green quest. Stupid "School Daze" was the only grey one...took till level 49.

    I know your problem is not being over level, but being under level, maybe these steps can help you find thing you might have missed, to help you catch back up.

    1. Look at your achievements. Start from the starter zones and work your way up/through them until you catch up.
    2. First I look at the quest section. Did you get the "questing ach." from each? As in doing X number of quest. If not, you got some xp. Grey quest still give XP upon completion. The mobs you fight may not, but the "doing" of each still helps in the end.
    3. Look at your map, are there any icons that are still black? If they are not filled in white, that means that "area" still has something you can do there. Might be just exploration XP, a world boss, quest etc. Again, even if the world boss is grey, doing the activity of kill it should still give XP. Same goes for the anchors, make sure you do all of them.
    4. Look for area of your map that look like focal areas, but do not have any icons. Buildings, rock formations, etc. There might be something that pops up. Somewhere you have not been yet.
    An alternate method, travel from icon to icon one last time systematically. If something it out there, it should pop up while being near/close to some other area of focus.
    5. This may help in finding more places. Use your achievement page and find all of the SkyShards. After I felt I was "done" in each zone as I leveled up, I made sure to knock out the shards before I left. By mid 30s I had more skill points than I felt like using. Still have like 10 laying around...
    Worst case, through the skyshards, they will make you go through the public dungeons. Again, just like everything else, even if the dungeon is grey, "doing it" by killing the boss or bosses at least once will give you something.
    6. Can always go to Cyrodiil. Can PvP for some xp. Do repeatable/daily quest there that always match your level.

    7. I have been able to avoid this by doing the 1 - 6. Can always just grind somewhere.
    Edited by PermaGrin on 23 May 2014 00:48
  • Bojangls
    phairdon wrote: »
    Just re-reading some of this. Never found gw2 adjusted your levels in the pve side of the game. If I went into higher level area's mobs would kick my ass. In world vs world your level gets adjusted.
    Thanks all for your help. Someone mentioned dungeons. I completely forgot about those so maybe I will go back and do some over and over again for a bit. Problem I find though is, I can't find many people doing them. When I did the first one I could, it took about 15-20 mins to get a group and then the sewer one I found a group but could never find a 4th and so I just stopped doing dungeons. I just started to try some pvp so that will help.

    What I meant for the GW2 comment was like let's say I was level 28 and I was in, I don't know what you call them zone or something. The next quests I could do were 5-8 lvls higher. I could stay and just keep doing the events over and over again which honestly already bored me, but someone told me I could go to one of the other starter areas (I think there are like 3 or 4?). I had to take one of those portals in that major city to one of those others. One was like in snow.

    So I did and I noticed my level adjusted down to those. So even though I was level 28, going to a level 10 zone in another beginner area it dropped me to level 15 but each level I gained would reflect to my actual level. If that makes sense? Not sure if it still does that but it did. I think it had to be a level within a certain range though.

    I know your level doesn't scale up. Just down.

  • Bojangls
    PermaGrin wrote: »
    After "completing the main story" on my 1st character a Sorc, at 45, I made sure to try to stay as under level or on par with quest as I could be on my Nightblade. Think he ended up with maybe only having to do like 3 or 4 green quest. Stupid "School Daze" was the only grey one...took till level 49.

    I know your problem is not being over level, but being under level, maybe these steps can help you find thing you might have missed, to help you catch back up.

    1. Look at your achievements. Start from the starter zones and work your way up/through them until you catch up.
    2. First I look at the quest section. Did you get the "questing ach." from each? As in doing X number of quest. If not, you got some xp. Grey quest still give XP upon completion. The mobs you fight may not, but the "doing" of each still helps in the end.
    3. Look at your map, are there any icons that are still black? If they are not filled in white, that means that "area" still has something you can do there. Might be just exploration XP, a world boss, quest etc. Again, even if the world boss is grey, doing the activity of kill it should still give XP. Same goes for the anchors, make sure you do all of them.
    4. Look for area of your map that look like focal areas, but do not have any icons. Buildings, rock formations, etc. There might be something that pops up. Somewhere you have not been yet.
    An alternate method, travel from icon to icon one last time systematically. If something it out there, it should pop up while being near/close to some other area of focus.
    5. This may help in finding more places. Use your achievement page and find all of the SkyShards. After I felt I was "done" in each zone as I leveled up, I made sure to knock out the shards before I left. By mid 30s I had more skill points than I felt like using. Still have like 10 laying around...
    Worst case, through the skyshards, they will make you go through the public dungeons. Again, just like everything else, even if the dungeon is grey, "doing it" by killing the boss or bosses at least once will give you something.
    6. Can always go to Cyrodiil. Can PvP for some xp. Do repeatable/daily quest there that always match your level.

    7. I have been able to avoid this by doing the 1 - 6. Can always just grind somewhere.
    Thank you for this list. I didn't know about the black/white thing. That will help me a lot :)
  • phairdon
    Bojangls wrote: »
    phairdon wrote: »
    Just re-reading some of this. Never found gw2 adjusted your levels in the pve side of the game. If I went into higher level area's mobs would kick my ass. In world vs world your level gets adjusted.
    Thanks all for your help. Someone mentioned dungeons. I completely forgot about those so maybe I will go back and do some over and over again for a bit. Problem I find though is, I can't find many people doing them. When I did the first one I could, it took about 15-20 mins to get a group and then the sewer one I found a group but could never find a 4th and so I just stopped doing dungeons. I just started to try some pvp so that will help.

    What I meant for the GW2 comment was like let's say I was level 28 and I was in, I don't know what you call them zone or something. The next quests I could do were 5-8 lvls higher. I could stay and just keep doing the events over and over again which honestly already bored me, but someone told me I could go to one of the other starter areas (I think there are like 3 or 4?). I had to take one of those portals in that major city to one of those others. One was like in snow.

    So I did and I noticed my level adjusted down to those. So even though I was level 28, going to a level 10 zone in another beginner area it dropped me to level 15 but each level I gained would reflect to my actual level. If that makes sense? Not sure if it still does that but it did. I think it had to be a level within a certain range though.

    I know your level doesn't scale up. Just down.

    I understand what you mean now; heading to Maguuma jungle or Rata Sum, Plains of Ashford etc and you char levels down.

    As for dungeons. Solo dungeons generally are not too difficult. Often you'll find other players inside. Or you can ask for help in zone chat if need be.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Pele
    I'm in the same boat. My character level has always above my current quests' levels since I started. I've now reached vet zones, but am not yet VR1 so I'm going back through all the normal zones and checking everything to complete anything I might have missed.
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