Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Non veteran armour changed?

First off, this is more of a pet peeve than an actual problem.

From what I read in the patch notes, only veteran armour was supposed to get a revamped appearance so it looks better. Well when I logged on today, I found out that my awesome looking level 46 armour (Which was all argonian heavy with a light armour hood) went from a bad ass looking Black and gold with a shade of tan to 2 shades of poo brown, green and poo blood brown (for the hood which was originally black with gold lines), black, and orange. What happened to my cool looking armour?
  • Poeskas
    Soul Shriven
    yeah. the new armor changes look terribad. especially the gold "Yellow Pee" armor.

    Devs: PLEASE undo these changes or correct them by adding armor dyes ASAP, because the new stuff looks awful
    Edited by Poeskas on 23 May 2014 01:06
  • crislevin
    yep, all level changed, even my level 10 breton iron armour. Vet cloth has more drastic changes though.
  • Wicked_Wolf
    This is insane, i look like I am wearing a grandmother's apron as opposed to the cool robe I had before. Why was this necessary?
  • WhimsyDragon
    Stibbon's Dress Robes was my most favorite chestpiece so far because it was a lovely lavender (ok, I know guys might not have appreciated it but I did!) and I'm sad because now it's tan and brown... how... completely different :cry:
  • Wicked_Wolf
    did they just make everything yellowish brown now?
  • CTraveler
    Strangely, only one of my characters in Argonian LVL24 armor got their colors changed. Went from a striking Tan and Crimson to browns, blacks, and golds. 0_0;

    I'd actually rather like to have my old colors back on that one, even though some of the new color changes do look nice. ^^;
  • Wicked_Wolf
    Walking around greenshade right now and everyone looks exactly the same, all running around in these faded ugly orange brown armors.
  • Mortelus
    I would like them to actually change the look of gear depending on its quality also. Why does my white crap gear look identical after upgrading it to blue, purple or even gold?

    They need to add cool little things to set the different qualities apart from each other.
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • Estin
    We really need to bring this to the attention of ZoS. I know it seems like a small inconvenience, but I would rather crawl my way through this game looking cool instead of a mismatched pee and poo colour warrior. It wouldn't be hard to just revert the changes of regular armour and just keep the veteran the same as it is right now. You did, however, say it was only veteran armour getting changes in the first place.
  • mwiewandtb14a_ESO
    I actually just posted a thread about this, having not seen this one. I 100% agree that this change is unwelcome. Please undo it! My character looks like a joke ;(
  • Srugzal
    Bad color changes, especially if your armor is not all of the same racial motif. Now my Breton in heavy Orc and Argonian, formerly silver with blue accents, now looks like a circus clown who fell in a septic tank. Even the chain mail is brown.
  • Wicked_Wolf
    This really needs to be addressed. We all look exactly the same now with this ridiculous brown and yellow color scheme.
  • Wagzy Wagz
    Wagzy Wagz
    Soul Shriven
    They made VR armour look better as anything lower than VR should not look as good. I'm VR1 and all I was finding was crap looking armour, even crafted armour looked crap. My armour now looks a lot better and so it should be. I dont want to look like a VR1 with lvl 10 armour on.
  • sylviermoone
    I saw some pics of the old and awful looking VR armor, so I'm glad that got a fix. I don't have any vet chars yet, but glad to know when I get there, my stuff will look cool.

    I just don't understand why they had to make the other armor look awful. I really liked the purple robes (not purple in quality, just color) my Templar was wearing.......
    Co-GM, Angry Unicorn Traders: PC/NA
    "Official" Master Merchant Tech Support
    and Differently Geared AF
  • Sendarya
    Wow, some really unexpected changes. My lvl 48 Primal robes that I had just crafted yesterday and upgraded to epic (purple!) were dark purple and rusty gold when I made them, now they are purple-ish brown and...PINK? Or is that peach? Or perhaps salmon? I'm a girl, and wouldn't mind an appropriate color of pink, but this looks like canned spam. Why is any armor this color, espeically epic upgrade of any style?

    And with the reported increase in vet levels, I guess I won't be getting new armor anytime soon.
    Edited by Sendarya on 23 May 2014 04:58
    Owner of the Traveling Tavern, serving superior and consummate foods and drinks for all your leveling needs! :p
    The Traveling Tavern is now closed, until veteran loot tables and rare food mats are fixed. I am very sorry to all my loyal customers!
  • Sendarya

    Well, I'm trying to post a picture, but apparently I can't figure out how to work the forums....:(

    Here is the link to a picture of the pink monstrosity epic Primal robes.
    Edited by Sendarya on 23 May 2014 05:01
    Owner of the Traveling Tavern, serving superior and consummate foods and drinks for all your leveling needs! :p
    The Traveling Tavern is now closed, until veteran loot tables and rare food mats are fixed. I am very sorry to all my loyal customers!
  • Wicked_Wolf
    I'm well aware that VR needed to be improved. People keep bringing this up and i honestly agree. But, that does not explain why all lower level armor needed to get drastically reduced to the rags they've become. EVERYONE in greenshade tonight was crowed at the crafting stations looking exactly the same. It was one huge brownish orangy blob of players of various levels.
  • Poeskas
    Soul Shriven
    it would be nice if we could get some feedback to know Devs are aware that these changes are almost universally unwelcome.
  • Wicked_Wolf
    Agreed. Was this intentional?
  • Estin
    I do hope that they listen and revert. They've been silent, only addressing the roll back and no achievement bugs, but they are staying silent about every thing else. Maybe they don't have a bot with a pre-typed explanation about the ones we are getting mad about. Their plan for a perfect console MMO already has failed. The customer support and fixes we were given pushes everyone away from this game. Nobody wants to pay, or even deal, with this kind of problem.
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