Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Thanks ZOS, now I can't even kill 2 VR4 wolves with my build..

  • Nightspectre
    80 damage is about the same as a single dual weild attack, sword and board should have low dps as trade off for its tankyness.
    Bash costs stamina, and having a shield doesn't really add as much defense as you think.

    It does if you actually, you know... block attacks with it.
    It blocks more, but it doesn't block enough to make the 1H/Shield line viable for solo PvE.

    False, if this is your experience then either you are too low lvl to have enough points in Damage Mitigation passives for 1h or 2 you have no points in the passives that decrease stamina costs for blocking...which allows you to block more....which, u know...mitigates....

  • epictrollheals513
    Personally I an very happy to see this change, When shield bash does more damage than swinging my sword there is a problem
  • ShintaiDK
    80 damage is about the same as a single dual weild attack, sword and board should have low dps as trade off for its tankyness.

    There isnt really that much more tank in sword and board. Any class can block. Amd the only difference is its cheaper stamina wise for a shield and board user. However that stamina is long gone with reduced damage.
  • Salsadoom
    :: gets the popcorn out and watches ::

    You know, if this was on tv no one would believe it

    (just so I am on topic, I noted my DK fought better bashing then with his primary)
  • Maverick827
    80 damage is about the same as a single dual weild attack, sword and board should have low dps as trade off for its tankyness.
    Bash costs stamina, and having a shield doesn't really add as much defense as you think.

    It does if you actually, you know... block attacks with it.
    It blocks more, but it doesn't block enough to make the 1H/Shield line viable for solo PvE.

    False, if this is your experience then either you are too low lvl to have enough points in Damage Mitigation passives for 1h or 2 you have no points in the passives that decrease stamina costs for blocking...which allows you to block more....which, u know...mitigates....
    False, you can't mitigate damage forever, especially soloing against veteran mobs. Eventually you need to kill them before they kill you, which 1H/Shield is now incapable of doing.
  • ShintaiDK
    False, if this is your experience then either you are too low lvl to have enough points in Damage Mitigation passives for 1h or 2 you have no points in the passives that decrease stamina costs for blocking...which allows you to block more....which, u know...mitigates....

    I am VR10 fully specced. And you are wrong.
  • NordJitsu
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Try hitting things with a weapon instead of a board.
    The weapon does 80 damage as well.

    FYI, NordJitsu is a pure caster Sorcorer, so take his comments and recommendations with a plate of salt.


    First, you have no idea what I play.

    Second, I have played every class at a high level. I've used every weapon and every skill in the game. Been testing this game for a long time now.

    Third, ad hominem attacks just make you look desperate and foolish. Try talking about a person's arguments instead of what class they play or any other personal characteristics about them. You'll be taken more seriously if you try to debate people based on the merits of the points they make rather than attempting to tear down their credibility through personal attacks.

    I really do want this game to be well balanced for all classes and I try to make suggestions that further that goal. I think a well balanced and diverse build system is necessary for a healthy game.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Maverick827
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    For me, as a sorc

    2) This has nothing to do with my claim of your biased views

    3) Pointing out conflicting interests, biasedness, hypocrisy, credibility, etc. is not an ad hominem argument. You know the Latin buzzword, but you don't know what it means. You'll be taken more seriously when you stop trying to use an argument from authority

    If you want this game to be balanced for all classes, you have a lousy way of showing it. There are many people, not just me (apparently your mortal enemy) who are now lamenting that their characters are incapable of even doing solo content, unable to respec due to the cost, and your response is essentially "tough luck, learn to play."

    Not everyone is out to threaten all of your many valuable e-accomplishments in PvP; you don't always need to be so defensive. Some of us just want to play the game, and now we can't. You're constantly try to pass yourself off as some kind of understanding, unbiased observer, yet every other post you make is aggressive with an obvious, self-serving agenda.

    Don't *** in my bowl and tell me it's chocolate.
  • Drachenfier
    So now the only worthwhile ability in the 1h/s tree does the same damage as any other light weapon attack, only it costs stamina...more now after the patch.

    I'm telling you, there are Mythic devs involved here.
  • Nightspectre
    80 damage is about the same as a single dual weild attack, sword and board should have low dps as trade off for its tankyness.
    Bash costs stamina, and having a shield doesn't really add as much defense as you think.

    It does if you actually, you know... block attacks with it.
    It blocks more, but it doesn't block enough to make the 1H/Shield line viable for solo PvE.

    False, if this is your experience then either you are too low lvl to have enough points in Damage Mitigation passives for 1h or 2 you have no points in the passives that decrease stamina costs for blocking...which allows you to block more....which, u know...mitigates....
    False, you can't mitigate damage forever, especially soloing against veteran mobs. Eventually you need to kill them before they kill you, which 1H/Shield is now incapable of doing.
    for the last 2 hours i seem to be doing just fine on my Vet DK as 1H Sheild, sure i got smacked hard earlier, but then i went and repaired my armor since it was over 50% damaged. I also Block a good portion of the time since GDB helps manage stam.
  • Sakiri
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Try hitting things with a weapon instead of a board.

    Shields are supposed to be defensive. They shouldn't give you better DPS than Dual Wield and Two Handed.

    I never once thought I'd agree with you on anything, NordJitsu.

    Kudos. I agree with this one.
  • CorporalCrimson
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah they have taking away our weapons and given them to our enemies. WHAT IS THIS DARKS SOULS?? god. I hate dark souls.
  • DakotaCoty
    Avidus wrote: »
    What I see here is what I predicted in another thread last night.
    ZoS would fix a broken mechanic, and everybody abusing it would cry about how they deserve a free respec.


    Except the minority are unsubbing, whatever will ZOS do?... Not care some more?
    EU player
  • NordJitsu
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    For me, as a sorc

    2) This has nothing to do with my claim of your biased views

    3) Pointing out conflicting interests, biasedness, hypocrisy, credibility, etc. is not an ad hominem argument. You know the Latin buzzword, but you don't know what it means. You'll be taken more seriously when you stop trying to use an argument from authority

    If you want this game to be balanced for all classes, you have a lousy way of showing it. There are many people, not just me (apparently your mortal enemy) who are now lamenting that their characters are incapable of even doing solo content, unable to respec due to the cost, and your response is essentially "tough luck, learn to play."

    Not everyone is out to threaten all of your many valuable e-accomplishments in PvP; you don't always need to be so defensive. Some of us just want to play the game, and now we can't. You're constantly try to pass yourself off as some kind of understanding, unbiased observer, yet every other post you make is aggressive with an obvious, self-serving agenda.

    Don't *** in my bowl and tell me it's chocolate.


    So my "argument from authority" is that I think a shield should do less damage than a sword....mind explaining that one? I didn't see anything in my OP that referred to myself or my credentials.

    What you're doing is exactly an ad hominem attack. Instead of actually engaging facts and arguments I make, you like to attack my personal characteristics in an attempt to tear down my credibility. If you want to disagree with someone, you should try to point out problems with their argument, not problems with them personally.

    If you think I'm so biased and just looking out for my own spec, why did I spend hours of my own time Wednesday night testing Nigh Blade abilities so I could document bugs for the devs? Why did I spend time last week doing the same thing for Templars (found and reported a pretty big bug btw)?


    The problems people are having solo'ing vet content seem widespread. I'm not sure myself, but there could have been a stealth buff to the mobs. Don't forget, their stated philosophy is that Vet Content should be balanced for two players in the over world.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • esoone
    PVT_Parts wrote: »
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Try hitting things with a weapon instead of a board.

    Shields are supposed to be defensive. They shouldn't give you better DPS than Dual Wield and Two Handed.

    Perhaps you don't know the history of the shield... Also, haven't you seen the pointy bones sticking out of some of the motif designs? Maybe I want to beat them with that.

    My brother did recreational stuff at medieval fairs:'(
    Your brother must be a few hundred years old then by now.

  • niocwy
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    The problems people are having solo'ing vet content seem widespread. I'm not sure myself, but there could have been a stealth buff to the mobs. Don't forget, their stated philosophy is that Vet Content should be balanced for two players in the over world.

    That seems to be the real issue right now.
    Look at my profile picture. Visualize that muffin...smelling it...taking a bite...
    Are you hungry now ?
  • PVT_Parts
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    The problems people are having solo'ing vet content seem widespread. I'm not sure myself, but there could have been a stealth buff to the mobs. Don't forget, their stated philosophy is that Vet Content should be balanced for two players in the over world.

    When did they ever say that it was balanced for 2 players? Is this BS actually true? They took an RPG known for solo immersion, made the next installment, and forced people to play in a group of at least 2?
  • liquid_wolf
    Patch incoming.
    Hey guys,

    This change was not intended, though some VR content and monsters are indeed more difficult after yesterday’s patch. We are working on a fix now to revert the difficulty back to what you were familiar with prior to patch 1.1.2, and plan to have this rolled out in the next 24 hours. Thanks so much for your patience!
  • JessieColt
    80 damage is about the same as a single dual weild attack, sword and board should have low dps as trade off for its tankyness.
    Bash costs stamina, and having a shield doesn't really add as much defense as you think.

    It does if you actually, you know... block attacks with it.
    It blocks more, but it doesn't block enough to make the 1H/Shield line viable for solo PvE.

    False, if this is your experience then either you are too low lvl to have enough points in Damage Mitigation passives for 1h or 2 you have no points in the passives that decrease stamina costs for blocking...which allows you to block more....which, u know...mitigates....

    And the player is ignoring set bonuses that increase block rating, or reduce further the stamina cost of blocking.
  • Lord_Hev
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Try hitting things with a weapon instead of a board.

    Shields are supposed to be defensive. They shouldn't give you better DPS than Dual Wield and Two Handed.

    Yes I agree. The only problem here is pretty glaring. If people *were* relying on their shield for damage, *maybe* it's because melee damage in-general is simply not competing against other offensive tactics? So if Shield-bashing is going to be nerfed(which I fully support) then like-wise, the root of the issue that made Shield-bashing too rewarding, should be addressed.
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
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