So, I remember debating the Cyrodiil guild store option with numerous other guild members several months before release, and I found myself actually supporting the Cyrodiil guild store system rather than an auction house or something of that sort. However, given the ease with which keeps can be taken, and given how often they actually switch hands, I feel like this system is just useless overall now that I've actually played the game for a while. Are there any regular users of these Cyrodiil guild stores? It just seems utterly pointless.
Although I don't find the idea of a purely social economy horrendous, I sort of feel robbed, and believe that the economy is quite bland without another system on top of the social economy. I personally believe that it might keep me a little more interested in the economy. Perhaps if guild stores were to be shown to non guild members, we'd have guilds who actually tried to make money collectively rather than having 400 random people in a "trading" guild all serving their own interests.
I can't say I have the most well backed opinions out there, most of this is simply what I feel. Wonder what everyone else's thoughts are, and whether or not a movement to pressure ZOS into doing something about this will actually work.