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Anyone else feel the quest NPCs talk too long?

  • FrauPerchta
    Yes, I've used emotes to laugh or cry as appropriate around NPCs. My lizard laughed so hard while doing that Naked Nord quest ...

    It's probably a good thing our characters can't poop their pants from laughing.

    Devs should add that emote...../poop_pants
  • Weberda
    Actually I almost missed an achievement award last night because I was passing by two NPC's who were having a rather long conversation and I almost didn't stop. I did stop and as a result ended up with an achievement I didn't even know existed.
    Fernwood, EP Haderus NA
    Lo Behold, AD Thornblade NA (formerly Haderus, inactive)
  • Evergnar
    All depends on the NPC and quest. Some I can't get enough of and others I'd like to just kill because they won't shut up.

    The thing that probably bothers me more is how whiney so many NPCs are in ESO.
    Edited by Evergnar on 19 May 2014 19:09
  • Moonchilde
    Its the only decent conversation I get while playing. Also, they speak full sentences, and the spelling is correct.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Sometimes most definitely, mute goes on every now and then.

    The Irish Leprechaun voice in the Mages Guild questline drove me nuts !!
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • VirtualElizabeth
    Some NPCs repeat the back story of the area or section in a zone but besides that I don't find them too drawn out. I understand why zenimax does it this way - it gives players the option to catch up on lore/backstory they might have missed in a previous quest. Usually I recognize that this is a "refresher" of the zone/area back story and always have the option to opt out with just choosing to say "goodbye".
    @ElizabethInTamriel; @ElizabethInESO
    Eleanour Masterham - Breton Templar
    Elise Masterham - Breton Magicka Nightblade
    Elinora Valen - Dunmer MagDK
    Elsa Masterham - Breton Mag Warden
  • alenae1b14_ESO
    No, relax and enjoy the story. Your paying $15.00 a month you might as well enjoy it all. The stories are interesting and the voice actors excellent. The few times I have speed clicked thru a dialogue I have regretted as I have missed valuable details and made several decisions I later regretted
  • Woolenthreads
    Perhaps just an additional conversation option, in addition to the Exposition options of "So, what would you like me to do and is there anything to specifically worry about?". I'll admit to occasionally skipping through dialogue when it's pretty obvious what's wanted and they just go on and on.
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • Tannakaobi
    Bhakura wrote: »
    Still prefer this questing over,
    "Go fetch me 20 wolf hides".
    "Now 12 flowers, 12 fishheads and euh, 12 somethings, sigh, just look at map theyre indicated with dots, cya soon!"
    "ha you are back, good good, now go kill a bunch of bears, say , 30? nah to much grinding, make it 15, of you go!"
    "What, are you here again? leave me alone go talk to the other guy overthere."
    Woohoo, level up.
    You walk away and go talk to the other guy overthere.
    NPC /rolleyes *another one*
    "Go kill some bats i guess, 20 will do"
    "Now go fetch some thingies that grow on that thingy with the thingies, you know, those things. About 15 is what i need"
    "Haaa, nice thingies you got there, what? Nono, i ment THOSE thingies, silly, let me grab those. Anyway, bet you noticed the thingies at those thingies right, well, go kill a few, say 25."
    "All done? Good, well see that woman overthere? Go talk to her, sure she has more stuff for you, cya."
    Woohoo, level up.
    You walk up to the pointed out woman.
    "Hi there, mind grabbing me 10 berries?"
    "Now go kill me some ..."
    etc etc etc untill you are max level.

    I wouldn't mind a hunting guild, where you had to hunt rare beasts instead of collect books though. But I must admit, I hate the x,y,z formula. Kill so many x to collect y to give to z.

    Someone was trying to tell me questing in wow was interesting, story focused and lore friendly earlier. Now that is funny!

  • Gisgo
    Naguur86 wrote: »
    Try to view it this way:

    You are going around, adventuring. Suddenly a guy pops out of the woods, he's panicing and tells you in just two sentences that you have to go into that dark cave because his wife is in danger there and he can not go because reasons.

    Would you go based on that information or would you rather suspect that his bandid frineds are waiting there to knock you unconcious and rip you off?

    "If you rescue my wife inside that cave i will give you this bow"

  • Bhakura
    Gisgo wrote: »
    "If you rescue my wife inside that cave i will give you this bow"

    "Allright, if your wife is any good looking you can keep the bow.

  • RubyTigress
    Bhakura wrote: »
    Gisgo wrote: »
    "If you rescue my wife inside that cave i will give you this bow"

    "Allright, if your wife is any good looking you can keep the bow.

    Just gonna point out wife gets a vote, and she might be more attached to hubby/wife than your fleabitten ass.

  • NordJitsu
    I often find that the NPCs don't give me enough information and I can't ask them enough questions to figure out what's really going on.

    The Wailing Prison is perhaps the worst spot in the game for this. I'm just so confused about the context of the prison break, how it happened, why Molag Bal isn't able to stop it, ect.

    Or when I meet Almalexia. I mean....she's a freaking god!!!! In Morrowind Vivec and Almalexia had TONS of dialogue options. The developers rightly assumed that when meeting a living god, players would be curios. Most of that has been stripped away (largely due to VO budgeting I guess.)

    So no, more story = good.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Tannakaobi
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    I often find that the NPCs don't give me enough information and I can't ask them enough questions to figure out what's really going on.

    The Wailing Prison is perhaps the worst spot in the game for this. I'm just so confused about the context of the prison break, how it happened, why Molag Bal isn't able to stop it, ect.

    Or when I meet Almalexia. I mean....she's a freaking god!!!! In Morrowind Vivec and Almalexia had TONS of dialogue options. The developers rightly assumed that when meeting a living god, players would be curios. Most of that has been stripped away (largely due to VO budgeting I guess.)

    So no, more story = good.

    They could do with some more information on where to go, I contemplated turning quest markers off, the problem is, if you did you may as well be blind for the lack of information.

    I'll mark it on your maps, up the hill, over yonder, by the lake... not really telling me much...

    But like I said above, I would not be against a 'get to the point' text option for people less inclined to listen/read...

    Edited by Tannakaobi on 20 May 2014 14:28
  • Svann
    When you get impatient just turn off the dialog volume and read the text.
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