I cant believe nobody has actually posted anything in regards to this. I see this happened very often in AD side on Auriel's Bow and now Wabbajack. What I am talking about, is, of course, the troll carriers. Here are the few things you can do when you carry a scroll :
1. Run as fast as you can in the straightest line towards one of your inner keeps. This is considered by some as the 'supposed-to-be' way of handling a scroll. No problems here.
2. Go to a questing area in enemy territory, go inside a building, and farm points off enemies that came through the door. The jury is out on this one. Half of the server felt it is actually useful that they can farm VPs offa enemy players, the other half who has quests that turn in that particular scroll might not be delighted to wait until the farming is finished and scroll carrier decides to cap it
3.Run seemingly randomly, sometimes towards your own base, then suddenly U-turn to enemy territories, go around in circles, run towards base again, and when near keep, run to the lake in the middle of Cyrodiil to commit suicide.
Obviously you can see where I am going with this. Dear ZoS, nice people irl become *** when you give them a mask in the form of the internet. It wastes the playtime of all the escorts he is getting, sometimes as much as 40 people or even more. It creates bad community aura, and the troll cant possibly be less successful with the kind of attention that he is getting in zone chat.
Those strongly in favor of number 1 will try to get people to report the character for 'griefing'. I am not sure whether this is griefing or not but it sure does waste a lot of people's time. More importantly, reporting does nothing. I've seen the same character over and over again despite what I think must be hundreds of reports by players.
If this is how devs intended this particular game mechanic to play out, then fine we'll live with it. If human idiocy is not captured in the original design and this is not meant to be, then I humbly request some simple mechanics to prevent these from happening again. Thx