I think it's great you can PvP @ 10 (Although I wish you could get 10 before a couple hours of played). However you're so ineffective at level 10 that it is pointless to do anything other than hid in the zerg and either heal or shoot bee-bees at your opponents.
So for my level 10 test I leveled up a Sorc to 10 crafted him a few set pieces and went out to PvP. I fought a variety of lvl 15- VR10. I won all my sub VR fights, I unfortunately did not get a chance to 1v1 a VR1 but when I opened on a VR4 my abilities were hitting for under 200. Needless to say he quickly turned an killed me.
Fighting an equally skilled player the VR player should win IMO however it definitely feels like I would struggle to kill an AFK VR player. Please reevaluate the bolstering of lower levels they are the life blood of new players in this game.
VR10 Templar