Kewljag_66_ESO wrote: »On top of that I cant think of a better PVP MMO right now
Yup, I am a night blade from DC faction and I am sick of fighting against 5 yellow players for each of our DC allies, and getting swarmed by talons all day with no chances of winning. I though invisibility skill could help me escaping, but I just keep getting hit with point blank AoEs that let me no choice but watching myself dying after dodge rolling until I burn my stamina.davidetombab16_ESO wrote: »yes, dark talon dark talon dark talon dark talon dark talon standard of might, dark talon x 10, standard of might, bash bash bash, bolt escape. This is pvp.
davidetombab16_ESO wrote: »yes, dark talon dark talon dark talon dark talon dark talon standard of might, dark talon x 10, standard of might, bash bash bash, bolt escape. This is pvp.
Talgus07ESO wrote: »Don't forget people we have updates for things that are missing. When more people hit the end game the pvp shall be more balanced. Every 4 to 6 weeks we get updates that shall improve pvp and pve. People only look what is now but not look any further what is on the horizon! You cant get everything on the first month! There is no mmo with that luxury. Patient is the key.
JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »Be quiet about balance no game is balanced I'm bored of PvP because there is only one option of PvP it's like creating an fps with only CTF and then charging $60 for it.
It needs more options like honestly.