LootAllTheStuff wrote: »So it sounds like if I'm doing S&B/staff, but am nowhere near unlocking Inner Beast, it would be good to pair S&B with Pierce, and staff with Deep Fissure? Or do the debuffs from Deep Fissure and staff with Crushing not stack?
I've got some of the bits and pieces in place for the rest of it, but I need to go grab a whole bunch of skyshards for the rest - should be fun! Looks like the current event might be a good time to work on this, too.
Thanks to everyone for the insight - very helpful!
LootAllTheStuff wrote: »I'm working on getting my Warden character at least tanky enough for normal group dungeons (as a starting point) and have some questions.
- A lot of warden tank builds seem to use S&B on front and frost staff on back. Is there any particular advantage to the front/back placement, or does it not matter (as long as the corresponding skills are in the right place)?
- Between the Warden skill lines, S&B (for taunt), and destruction staff, there are MANY options. What are some good combos from the basic skill lines? Specifically thinking about the balance between pet and healing skills versus offensive skills.
- Initially at least I'm going with crafted sets. For a frost staff, what would be better for the enchantment - additional frost damage, S/W damage/penetration, or something else?
- Talking of taunt, thoughts on the pros/cons of the two Puncture morphs?
- Looking further ahead, the other option is the Undaunted skill line taunt. Is this worth pursuing as a replacement for the S&B one, or are they about the same?
Thanks in advance for any/all responses!
GimpyPorcupine wrote: »I should add: you'll want Ele Blockade on your frost staff bar, and Gripping Shards on either bar, because wardens get increased block mitigation for a period of time after doing frost damage. Gripping shards is a really good root, comparable to a DK's talons, and will proc that mitigation. Plus having it slotted gives extra resistance from the skill line passive.
Ele Blockade can proc your Crusher enchantment.
I don't run the netch for resources, and I don't usually have much problem with sustain since I can choose what resource to block with just by bar swapping. Race comes into play on that, some just sustain better than others. When in doubt, roll an Imperial.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »It doesn't matter what you do in normal Dungeons. Really doesn't.
In Veteran you will notice that you need to worry about positioning, herding the add waves and keeping you debuffs on the Boss.
Warden can be tanky, buff and do a little damage at the same time. But it's not for beginners.
As a newbie tank you'll need to build for sustain more than for tankiness.
Depending on ehat skills you use you'll needd to adjust you betty morph and your potions, your jewelry enchants and so on.
And do not perma block! Observe your enemy and time your blocks.
LootAllTheStuff wrote: »Zodiarkslayer wrote: »It doesn't matter what you do in normal Dungeons. Really doesn't.
In Veteran you will notice that you need to worry about positioning, herding the add waves and keeping you debuffs on the Boss.
Warden can be tanky, buff and do a little damage at the same time. But it's not for beginners.
As a newbie tank you'll need to build for sustain more than for tankiness.
Depending on ehat skills you use you'll needd to adjust you betty morph and your potions, your jewelry enchants and so on.
And do not perma block! Observe your enemy and time your blocks.
Question related to that last part... I've noticed that enemies can telegraph with either yellow or red lines before unleashing an attack, but I'm a little unclear on what the colour of the lines signifies. I believe one of them might be charging up a heavy attack and the other charging a skill attack? Are there any general guidelines for knowing when to block and when to dodge?
Another question would be, are there any good choices for zone/dungeon when it comes time to work up from normal to vet? Maybe Craglorn or some of the DLC zones? Just looking to ease the difficulty spike a little bit.