Are you going to purchase Castle Skingrad?

In the stream ZOS revealed that one of the new incoming homes will be none other than Castle Skingrad, last seen as the home of Count Janus Hassildor in TES IV: Oblivion, are you planning on owning this iconic castle?

Are you going to purchase Castle Skingrad? 10 votes

Yes I am going to buy it
LeighlaaTX12001rwb17_ESO 2 votes
No I am not going to buy it
Arizona_SteveElsonsoValarMorghulis1896FischblutRaddlemanNumber7Avran_SyltSilverIce58 7 votes
I am not sure yet (Please Mention Why)
freespirit 1 vote
  • freespirit
    I am not sure yet (Please Mention Why)
    If it is Crown only, I will not purchase it, unless it is a much, much lower price than usual Crown Houses.

    If I can earn it or pay in game gold for it, then yes I will jump through hoops to own it ..... this does not include buying via gifting. 🙂
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Leighlaa
    Yes I am going to buy it
    I'll buy it, but I buy all the houses so...

    I'm much more excited for the Fargrave home though!
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