Suggestion for balance based on groups in cyro

So if you don't know cyro is in a bit of a rough spot and I believe I have the fix to fix it. Altered battle Spirit based on group.

So how it works is kinda of a double edged blade based on if you are solo, in a small group, or a large group. So here is my suggestion:

Solo - battle spirit will remain unchanged

For small groups (2-4 people) -
Damage taken by damage over time is increased by 10%
damage given is increased by 10%
Shield strength are decreased by 60%
Healing Received is decreased by 65%
Health Recovery is decreased by 60%
Ability range of 28 meters or more increased by 8
Damage received and given by seige is increased by +10%
Damage taken by aoe damage is increased by 10%
Damage taken by single target attacks is decreased by 10%

For large groups (5+ people)

Damage taken by damage over time is increased by 25%
Damage given is increased by 25%
Shield strength are decreased by 75%
Healing Received is decreased by 80%
Health Recovery is decreased by 70%
Ability range of 28 meters or more increased by 8
Damage received and given by seige is increased by 25%
Damage taken by aoe damage is increased by 50%
Damage raken by single target attacks is decreased by 25%

This will not just help with ball groups by making it easier for numbers and organized groups to balance it but it will also make it so being in a small or large group isn't making them being punished either. This also doesn't make things have to be relearned as well. Thought this would be a great balance idea for pvp instead of reworking all the skills and passives. What is your thoughts on it?
I am dark strife. Khajiit since arena... ya know when they were humans... with face paint... still khajiit only all games...
  • JustLovely
    First, ZOS should just try limiting shield and heal stacking in groups in Cyrodiil.

    That alone would probably allow for the doubling of the population in the zone.

    It's time to simplify server side calculations in cyro, not increase them.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    1. Stacking of same ability healing & shields should be disabled or heavily limited to like 2 at most.
    2. Everything should scale to be less effective the larger the group is via battle spirit (just like ring of pale order is less effective in the the group, but it would affect every skill, passive etc).
    3. Snow Traders should be altered to behave differently vs Player sourced CC. Right now this mythic is too strong.
    4. CC sets that do not respect CC immunity also needs to be altered so that those would behave like a normal CC.

    First 2 are imho minimum that needs to be done to stop Ball Groups from running rampant and convert them from "god mode" to "force to be reckon with". Other 2 would also be nice, but first 2 are imho necessary.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on 20 January 2025 17:02
  • Amottica
    First, that would lead to a heavier load on the servers having to figure in more variables to determine how much damage is going out and how much is being received.

    That would not be a good thing for Cyrodiil as it would mean a decrease in performance.

    Then there are the ways around that. Just follow together instead of being grouped.

    Then, there is the logic in punishing grouping in a PvP designed for groups and grouping.

    The more organized and skilled a group will be, the more successful in tackling larger groups. It is also harder to kill well-organized groups of skilled players, especially when on comms. We go in as 4-6 person groups and take on groups twice our size and sometimes more. This is how it should be.

    And that is the answer because that well-organized group will stomp the so-called ball groups and much more. When they run up against another group of similar capabilities, it becomes an amazing fight. Go in solo or extremely small groups, even when with other solo players, the group of players doing their own thing will not perform as well, which should be expected.

  • bellanca6561n
    First off, Cyrodiil is a 35-year-old MMO design that was never meant to be a complete game year after year.

    Yellow, Blue, and Red factions were engaged in a forever battle, capturing facilities - airfields in this case - and the resources that supplied them that reset every 30 days in Air Warrior, the first MMO. At the end of each campaign, honors were bestowed on top fighter and bomber squadrons. It was fun and pioneered the concept of the client/server online multiplayer game.

    But what made Air Warrior truly unique was what followed - multimission set piece battles with multiple objectives to avoid blobbing - too many players in the same place at the same time. These were high pressure, one life per mission, affairs, designed by players. And well-designed. The final outcome always came down to final mission. And not due to developer intervention.

    Up to 500 players were engaged in these missions. Not a huge number but that was back in the '90s. And nobody left after they died. Everyone went to the radio room to monitor the action. You didn't feel you could leave until you knew the outcome, which was posted to everyone's screens at the end. Each mission had a start time and an end time.

    How would this apply to ESO? Air Warrior had briefing rooms, a command interface, and other features supporting a scenario of this sort. It was appointment-based with player slots and roles assigned in advance. And it assumed both coordination and command and control. Both of these concepts have largely vanished from ESO and are widely condemned when they do exist, as ball groups when organized or zergs when they're not.

    Didn't this fail in the end? Yes, but not due to popularity. It was purchased and killed because it was impossible to monetize the way online games are today. This is not snarky speculation. Air Warrior had no character progression, no economy, no character customization, no housing or cosmetics. Yet it had higher retention than ESO. But I digress.

    TLDR: Designed, organized, performance-based special events at regular intervals could help Cyrodiil finally become a massively multiplayer online game.
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