So if you don't know cyro is in a bit of a rough spot and I believe I have the fix to fix it. Altered battle Spirit based on group.
So how it works is kinda of a double edged blade based on if you are solo, in a small group, or a large group. So here is my suggestion:
Solo - battle spirit will remain unchanged
For small groups (2-4 people) -
Damage taken by damage over time is increased by 10%
damage given is increased by 10%
Shield strength are decreased by 60%
Healing Received is decreased by 65%
Health Recovery is decreased by 60%
Ability range of 28 meters or more increased by 8
Damage received and given by seige is increased by +10%
Damage taken by aoe damage is increased by 10%
Damage taken by single target attacks is decreased by 10%
For large groups (5+ people)
Damage taken by damage over time is increased by 25%
Damage given is increased by 25%
Shield strength are decreased by 75%
Healing Received is decreased by 80%
Health Recovery is decreased by 70%
Ability range of 28 meters or more increased by 8
Damage received and given by seige is increased by 25%
Damage taken by aoe damage is increased by 50%
Damage raken by single target attacks is decreased by 25%
This will not just help with ball groups by making it easier for numbers and organized groups to balance it but it will also make it so being in a small or large group isn't making them being punished either. This also doesn't make things have to be relearned as well. Thought this would be a great balance idea for pvp instead of reworking all the skills and passives. What is your thoughts on it?
I am dark strife. Khajiit since arena... ya know when they were humans... with face paint... still khajiit only all games...