
Over the past month, I've seen nothing but incessant crying and bitching. I see nobody discussing tactics, nobody trying to resolve campaign pop. issues by calling on the community... (ok, one post by Beavery some time ago with NA DB.) All I hear is crying over bash and other abilities, lacking the mental resolve to counter them with what they have in-game. People didn't get out of bat swarms, people didn't block bash, people didn't block CC, didn't roll snares, etc. I hear people crying, throwing away subscription, and throw the bird at Zenimax. So many boring polls it's ironic. You're bored because you can't counter the same tactic over and over. You can't defend with oil properly, you can't do any of the things said above. I promise you there has been a counter for everything, and all you button mashing fools can do is spam keys on the keyboard and throw a fit. Nobody likes the fact that Oceanic guilds play when they don't; I'm sure they don't like that you play when they don't, and continue to wipe whole map. Get used to it, map is supposed to change tides. There is no 'balanced' campaign, some are more rounded off than others pop. wise, but they all fluctuate and were made to. The 3 factions do well to balance them, outside of that, you're just going to have to fight back or deal with it. If you can't counter the enemy at first, then use your brain to identify your flaws and move on.

Before the game even came out, people were throwing a fit, and not much has changed a month after release. All Zenimax hears is the constant moaning of adolescent children, causing over-the-top nerfs and more moaning. This is beyond ridiculous and needs a change. We don't care how bored or done you are with pvp, post something constructive that yields benefits.
Edited by Bane_of_Fringe on 12 May 2014 22:45
Bane of Fringe Vr-14
Casts as Hatchling Vr-5
Shinobu-chan Vr-1
Holo the Wise and Cunning Vr-5
Soft Rose Vr-1
Svaedstrom Lowbie
Man in the Fringe Vr-2
Batul Gra-Sharob Vr-1

Previous vets:
Jade Blossom Vr-1
Man in the Fringe Vr-5
  • TheGrandAlliance
    ...well that would count this thread out then.
    Indeed it is so...
  • Frenzypanda
    Well said. Stop the whining and learn to play.
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