Joy_Division wrote: »MincMincMinc wrote: »Joy_Division wrote: »MincMincMinc wrote: »Elendir2am wrote: »MincMincMinc wrote: »Can you provide any substantial details how this targets AvA players? I am calling for AvA players to have actual rewards and reasons for contributing to the campaign?
You did not address any problem average AvA player has suffer most, when they want to play a map. Your post has many points and Some of them look nice. But most of them would punish AvA players most of all.
One example. Slowing mount speed. Tower nihilist and BGs can use mount as well. You kill tower nihilist and 2 min later they are back from near keep. It is that they are spending most of their time running around tower, or in case of BG running around keep.
Slower mount would mean that it would take 3 min for tower nihilist to return and PvDoor BG would take 7 instead 5 min to get at other part of map. But its AvA players who use mount most (if they are not in combat bug).
I dont understand what you are trying to convey. Are you saying slower mount speed favors people that run around towers? Everyone's mount speed would be reduced, even ball groups. That's the whole point, to have an actual consequence for dying.
I understand losing speed is painful for people with no patience, but at a certain point we have to stop/reverse the power creep..............this is coming from a max speed stamsorc player of nearly 10 years now. If I can come to terms with it, so can you.
They are basically saying that these reforms will punish people who are trying to play "the map." If my alliance is successful in taking a keep, why is the enemy team awarded with a buff? If my alliance wants to use strategy hitting undefended keeps, why can;t we do that instead of having to hit a front line keep with a transitus node.
While I think some of the ideas in the OP are worth trying, the mount speed decrease is absolutely a bad idea. In the ten years I've been in Cyrodiil, "horse riding simulator" has been in the top three of complaints. As it is now, even with permanent major gallop, it is not easy to respond in time to an attack with 20 siege on the front door.
It's not the mount speed that is the issue, it is player speed like your stam sorc, which is a huge component of the "tank" meta (a misleading term. The excessive survivability players have now is not just because they damage they take gets reduced so much, it's because the damage often never reaches them in the first place because they move out of range or LOS attacks).
Well no they were trying to say something about how lower mount speed disproportionally affects AvA zerg players. I've been playing for 10 years aswell, playing in vet 1vX and also running a guild in the u50 campaign teaching new players. It isnt like seige destroys keeps faster now adays, but mounts are like 3x the speed due to power creep (gallop, cp added, mountspeeds maxed). u50 and even nocp function fine, arguably better since players cant "rez and ride" back to a keep they died at repeatedly. Why is lower mount speed a bad idea? Is it because you think players will complain about reverse power creep and not wanting to feel slower? I will never agree with people who accept power creep and argue in bad faith for it
There may still be undefended keeps to attack. The OP points out adding new transit lines to open up other avenues where combat can spread out. This acts as a soft limit to keep PvDoor abuse in check. For instance if AD is attacking ash, but there is resistance, leaders may want to attack another keep. So they could go from the new carmala transit to glade/rayles to seige a back keep. When keep fights arent streamlined the new player population gets confused and may give up on combat. Remember 5 years ago the playerbase was high enough that factions were balanced and cyrodil was functional. With such a low population, the map feels empty and new players cant quickly understand where the frontline zerg is(the best place for new players to learn)
The intent of the losing faction gaining buffs is to prevent the loss of players when a faction is gated. On low pop campaigns(anything that isnt greyhost) what happens is the maps flip all one color and nobody logs in cuz it frankly sucks to have to seige back 5-6 keeps every day just so players will log in. What is worth more, a few players getting useless campaign score that achieves nothing, or people actually logging into the game to play? I understand the thought process of my faction won, so we should be rewarded. This would still be true, you won and you would get ap rewards and perhaps ap buffs. However the losing faction needs help pushing back, so they should get combat buffs.
I also agree that playerspeed is a major issue as I pointed out in my movement speed and Immobilize immunity thread. Link In short average players walking movement speed was between 90-130% and now the average build sits between 130% and 200% walking speed. Immobilizes have terrible counterplay options and transparency, creating a redlight/greenlight type of gameplay. I will counter that stamsorc isnt the speed class anymore besides streak, considering warden has a built in buff of 6s major and immob immunity. Generally my warden sits at a higher speed in combat.... which hurts my soul. I would also add other reasons along with speed creep to the tank meta, but that discussion would derail this thread too far off cyrodil topics. Feel free to read that speed thread and comment there though.
Lower mount speed is bad because people have consistently complained it takes to long to get to fights and Cyrodiil being a "horse riding simulator." It's not a bad faith argument. People don;t like it. Especially now with the pop caps so low that there aren;t many fights to go to to begin with.
I don;t get the hate for PvDoor. Some people might call it effective strategy. If a group wants to ride all the way (re: horse riding simulator) to Arrius or what not to take it, I don;t see the problem.
gariondavey wrote: »When you design a zone around 600 vs 600 vs 600 and then reduce the population to 60 v 60 v 60 while adding an unbelievable amount of power creep and allowing heal stacking on ancient spaghetti code on insufficiently strong enough servers it isn't really a mystery why the zone has devolved into the absolute mess it is.
25 percent streaking sorcs and ranged nbs
25 percent ball groups
25 percent professional siegers
25 percent pugs or small scales looking for fun fights.
The zone doesn't work with the insane power you can have as a ball group, with the population you have reduced it to.
3 choices:
-balance healing in the game so ball groups can die
-make the population big enough that people can choose various fights
-make the map smaller so it isn't a massive empty zone
I like this idea. The 30-day campaign is pointless with the tiny population in Cyrodiil these days. The score doesn't matter after the first couple weeks cause one alliance gets so far ahead no one can catch up (DC won the November campaign by like 10k points). A 7 day campaign would keep things fresh. Personally, I think 14 days would be ideal. Currently a lot of players get to 100k AP for reward tier and then don't come back until next month.MincMincMinc wrote: »Another idea to bring up would be to remove the 30 day campaign and replace it with a 7 day campaign. Aiming to bring in weekend warriors again. Currently with the 30day players may only play for 1/30 days.
So the campaign flip would be at 12pm EST or 9pm PST on Saturdays. This gives each campaign one day per weekend for players to get invested. Which could lead to players being involved in 2/7(8.6/30) of the campaign days.
Having a more uniform schedule also helps with a declining population. Its somewhat of a meme now, but the "two week Minecraft phase" partly has to do with people not logging in or playing at the same time.
Other benefits
- Bringing in players for rewards (granted the rewards should be reworked to be useful/enticing to farm for years to come)
- Giving more chances for emp pushes
- Bringing in players for Transmutes
I like this idea. The 30-day campaign is pointless with the tiny population in Cyrodiil these days. The score doesn't matter after the first couple weeks cause one alliance gets so far ahead no one can catch up (DC won the November campaign by like 10k points). A 7 day campaign would keep things fresh. Personally, I think 14 days would be ideal. Currently a lot of players get to 100k AP for reward tier and then don't come back until next month.MincMincMinc wrote: »Another idea to bring up would be to remove the 30 day campaign and replace it with a 7 day campaign. Aiming to bring in weekend warriors again. Currently with the 30day players may only play for 1/30 days.
So the campaign flip would be at 12pm EST or 9pm PST on Saturdays. This gives each campaign one day per weekend for players to get invested. Which could lead to players being involved in 2/7(8.6/30) of the campaign days.
Having a more uniform schedule also helps with a declining population. Its somewhat of a meme now, but the "two week Minecraft phase" partly has to do with people not logging in or playing at the same time.
Other benefits
- Bringing in players for rewards (granted the rewards should be reworked to be useful/enticing to farm for years to come)
- Giving more chances for emp pushes
- Bringing in players for Transmutes
gariondavey wrote: »When you design a zone around 600 vs 600 vs 600 and then reduce the population to 60 v 60 v 60 while adding an unbelievable amount of power creep and allowing heal stacking on ancient spaghetti code on insufficiently strong enough servers it isn't really a mystery why the zone has devolved into the absolute mess it is.
25 percent streaking sorcs and ranged nbs
25 percent ball groups
25 percent professional siegers
25 percent pugs or small scales looking for fun fights.
The zone doesn't work with the insane power you can have as a ball group, with the population you have reduced it to.
3 choices:
-balance healing in the game so ball groups can die
-make the population big enough that people can choose various fights
-make the map smaller so it isn't a massive empty zone
gariondavey wrote: »When you design a zone around 600 vs 600 vs 600 and then reduce the population to 60 v 60 v 60 while adding an unbelievable amount of power creep and allowing heal stacking on ancient spaghetti code on insufficiently strong enough servers it isn't really a mystery why the zone has devolved into the absolute mess it is.
25 percent streaking sorcs and ranged nbs
25 percent ball groups
25 percent professional siegers
25 percent pugs or small scales looking for fun fights.
The zone doesn't work with the insane power you can have as a ball group, with the population you have reduced it to.
3 choices:
-balance healing in the game so ball groups can die
-make the population big enough that people can choose various fights
-make the map smaller so it isn't a massive empty zone
I've advocated for a smaller cyrodiil map multiple times in the past with very little traction. I feel like we can just move the home gates forward and focus the playable map around the six imperial keeps and the three outposts, with 1 scroll temple per faction. Smaller area with the same population should make it feel more populated, and have more random encounters between destinations as well as limit distances needed to travel. There won't be any random groups (ball groups or otherwise) harassing your tri keeps because there won't be any back lines for them to harass. We'd probably need a separate full-map cyrodiil for pvers to do their questing, but honestly they've wanted that all along and it would keep them from filling up the campaigns with non-combatants -- not that it's that big of a problem now.
Healing and shielding still need balancing and tweaking regardless.
MincMincMinc wrote: »Below are some points of consideration to bring life back into cyrodil. Ideally the aim is to
- break up the zerg v zerg PvDoor.
- Reduce pop drops on losing factions.
- Reduce server load by spreading out the playerbase.
- Entice players to pvp instead of sitting on walls.
- Have players of all skill levels solo and small man.
Here are some talking points for potential system changes.
- Buffs should be flipped. When your faction loses a home keep, your faction gains a buff. Scrolls would act in a similar way. This prevents the losing factions from flopping like in tug of war. Instead they get stronger the more they are pushed. To go further, AP multipliers could be added for factions with less keeps.
MincMincMinc wrote: »[*] Keep resources must play a larger part. To siege the walls you must control the mine. To siege the front door, you must hold the lumber. The farm would give the guards a buff equivalent to the difference of normal vs vet dungeons. This prevents faction stacks of 50 players simply just mounting and riding straight to the front door over and over again. Right now heal stacking and movement speed easily beats out counterseige.
[*] Transit line functions should be reworked such that only frontline keeps with a contested transit line can be sieged. More transit lines should be added to connect the outposts to the inner keeps. Examples being Cropsford to BM, or Carm to Rayles. Transit lines should provide AP multiplier bonuses for fighting in certain areas that have lower population. (other trifaction games have implemented systems like this to keep the map busy and guide new players towards the fight.)
MincMincMinc wrote: »[*] Mount speed is too high in cyrodil. When was the last time anyone got ganked or pulled off their mount? Death has next to no downside anymore, when mount speeds are so high a larger pop faction can just waterfall people into the fight without risk of losing when wiped. The benefit of being a defender back in the day was you could wipe a group and then repair.
MincMincMinc wrote: »[*] PvP ap stores need updating and monetary benefit. Much like hakeijo or alk supplies in telvar, perhaps do something similar with AP. Jewelry mats? tempers? Purchasable transmute geodes?
[*] Campaign rewards must be more lucrative. Bring back drops like the gold arena weapons or maybe random mythic lead drops. I think there should be no faction lock to play, but instead you can only receive rewards on one faction that you sign up for during that campaign.
[*] Remove the hammer, or make it only drop once per campaign. Currently this just does the sole opposite of what pvp needs. It bunches people up in one location on the server leading to lag and faction stacking.
[*] Servers must be condensed again since the lowbie server is not functional PCNA. At least condense down to the 30day, 7day, and 30day nocp+u50. I could also see arguments for there to only be 2 servers, under 1000cp and over 1000cp accounts.
Otherwise some other general cyrodil changes:
- Add more buildings/terrain. An example would be outside of aleswell. Fighting in the town is really fun. Adding more buildings and streets could create a different combat dynamic similar to imperial city pvp. Maybe some keeps have forests outside. Literally they could just drop in some assets to change up the map a bit
- Add "goat paths" between the primary bridge/gates and the secondary bridge/gates. Example being if the Ash gate gets blocked, there would be a mineshaft that goes to the ash mine. Also this would require that they make the walls break entirely such that nobody can cross either direction. (Currently players can jump their way through the broken gate both directions. Also on the AD side of allessia you can jump across the bridge and climb up the rocks.
- Guard/npc skills could be reworked. Many players dont understand how guards work, simply because they use old versions of skills from launch.
What are your thoughts? Any other points to add? Rewards? Incentives? How to bring in new players?
Veinblood1965 wrote: »All good points. I'd just like some new points of contention with some actual buffs, or a snack or something when taking an objective added to the map. After a few years it's getting boring honestly. Run here, take that keep, ride there that resource etc. Get something in the mail and open it. Rinse and repeat.
With just a little thought the zone could be reworked. etc.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »
If you want to reduce any speed, it should be the cap on foot, but also make snow traders also always 40% lower cap
Turtle_Bot wrote: »
Can even allow mounting up in combat since mounting up basically stuns you for the duration of the mount animation, prevents casting abilities (since that would dismount you) and risks the unbreakable stun if you get dismounted while mounting up.