MageCatF4F wrote: »The housing sub-forum is in archive mode. Housing discussions now must take place in "Game Systems", shared with crafting and TOT to make things better somehow. It might be a good idea to put (housing) in front of any new thread title over there.
I suspect you play on console? That may not be true, but anyway, on PC we have been "exposed" for several years. The add-on EHT has had interaction functions for years, starting with "scenes" (somewhat involved to learn how to set up and use) and followed by "actions" which are more like a simple trigger. Easy to use.
In my experience not many of the usual housing crowd care about any of that.
There is little doubt ZOS could add the same functionality to the housing editor but it would involve some work and resources, both of which seem to be declining, based on the recent letter to us from the studio boss.
katanagirl1 wrote: »I played a lot of LittleBigPlanet too and enjoyed the use of logic to build things and control their movement. I suppose that is something that maybe a lot of housing people aren’t into, their focus seems to be houseguests. Full logic capabilities with movers and tweakers and a thermometer to tell how much you are filling the level and stressing it might not be easily added to housing in this game.
There are some Murkmire furnishing plants that work as hazards in housing instances, but they are found in crown crates and are only available when those crates are featured.
tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »Even a simple, limited system would open a lot of possibilities--activate one item to activate another (ie turn on/off, open/close, but not move) on a housewide cooldown. I assume there'd be a limit to how many you can have in a house, like 10 or 20 for performance reasons. That would pale compared to some other games, but still open up for a lot of creativity!
Especially if this came with a set of moving panels, retracting walls, buttons, magic hedges that open or close, etc.
The essential housing tools mod allows you to do all this without restrictions on the number of triggers and item animations. Unfortunately, this is just a mod, and if you are not online, these functions will not work for other players.