🌍"Other Worlds" 🏠 Housing Contest🏆Organised by "The Real Endgame"✨Open for Beginners

I am hyped to announce the next big contest by The Real Endgame, a housing community for PC EU & NA based on Discord! 🤩
Judging will be during the Halloween period! 🎃
For more details, read below and join The Real Endgame housing community Discord server: https://discord.gg/Mm3zGKrNWG
Yours housingly,
Lilarna ✨

🌌The Real Endgame invites you to join "Other Worlds", a housing contest open to PC EU and PC NA!

This housing contest invites you to dive into fictional universes! Explore worlds that are both different from Tamriel and from our real world! You can create a house that brings visitors into any world of your choice... As long as this one can be referenced!
For example: The Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Dune, Matrix, Zelda, One Piece, Hellboy, Avatar, ...
It's entirely up to you! (Obviously, the list is wayyyyy too long to be exhaustive.)

🌌 Huge thanks to the people who have sponsored this contest: Bethesda, MsRadcore, Hikate & several anonymous donors!

🌌 A panel of 18+ judges and/or streamers will be visiting the entries, already counting: BerylBones, Gambolic, JHartElliss, Kroulin (ESP), LadyCub, Lharmo (FR), LiLandChill, Msradcore, Maya the Barbarian from NinjaPulls, NovaDrakkon, Rhagor (DE), Rhiwiel, Sharalei, SiranTakouhi, Spantifical, Tatanko and Trasse.
https://www .twitch.tv/berylboneshttps://www .twitch.tv/gambolichttps://www .twitch.tv/jhartellis
https://www .twitch.tv/kroulinhttps://www .twitch.tv/ladycubhttps://www .twitch.tv/lharmo
https://www .twitch.tv/lilandchillhttps://www .twitch.tv/msradcorehttps://www .twitch.tv/ninjapullsgaming
https://www .twitch.tv/novadrakkonhttps://www .twitch.tv/raghorhttps://www .twitch.tv/rhiiwiel
https://www .twitch.tv/sirantakouhihttps://www .twitch.tv/spantifical
https://www .twitch.tv/tatankoxhttps://www .twitch.tv/trassethetarrasque

10 winners for Large Houses (600/700 slots) *
🔹 1st place: 5500 Crowns + 100 Dreugh Wax + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + 1 Pink Torchbug + 17 Million Gold
🔹 2nd place: 5500 Crowns + 100 Dragon Rheum + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + 1 Pink Torchbug + 11 Million Gold
🔹 3rd place: 5500 Crowns + 1 Pink Torchbug + 5 Million Gold
🔹 4th place: 3000 Crowns + 1 Pink Torchbug + 3 Million Gold
🔹 5th place: 3000 Crowns + 1 Pink Torchbug + 2 Million Gold
🔹 6th place: 3000 Crowns + 1 Pink Torchbug + 1 Million Gold
🔹 7th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold
🔹 8th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold
🔹 9th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold
🔹 10th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold

5 winners for Small Houses (100/200/400 slots) *
🔹 1st place: 5500 Crowns + 2 Aetherial Dust + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + 1 Pink Torchbug + 7 Million Gold
🔹 2nd place: 3000 Crowns + 60 Chromium Plating + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + 1 Pink Torchbug + 5 Million Gold
🔹 3rd place: 1500 Crowns + 3 Million Gold
🔹 th place: 1500 Crowns + 2 Million Gold
🔹 5th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold

5 winners for "Beginner" Large Houses (600/700 slots) *
🔹 1st place: 3000 Crowns + 60d of ESO Plus (PC) + 17 Perfect Roe + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + Pink Torchbug + 6 Million Gold
🔹 2nd place: 3000 Crowns + 30d of ESO Plus (PC) + 100 Dragon Blood + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + Pink Torchbug + 5 Million Gold
🔹 3rd place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 3 Million Gold
🔹 4th place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 2 Million Gold
🔹 5th place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 1 Million Gold

5 winners for "Beginner" Small Houses (100/200/400 slots) *
🔹 1st place: 1500 Crowns + 60d of ESO Plus (PC) + 100 Tempering Alloy + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + Pink Torchbug + 6 Million Gold
🔹 2nd place: 1500 Crowns + 30d of ESO Plus (PC) + 40 Luminous Ink + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + Pink Torchbug + 5 Million Gold
🔹 3rd place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 3 Million Gold
🔹 4th place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 2 Million Gold
🔹 5th place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 1 Million Gold

5 Honorable Mentions *
🔹 1 Million Gold Each

* Prizes might evolve even further if there are more donations.

📩 How to enter: Please submit your house here: https://forms.gle/M4nuwQB4MVsHgecVA

🗓️ Deadline: Submit your entry by November 18th 2024 05:59 CET

🔍 Round of preliminary judging: from 18 November 2024 to 20th of November 2024

🔎 Judging: Judges will be visiting houses from 21 November 2024 to 4th of December 2024

📢 Results reveal on stream: Friday, 6 December 2024 21:00 CET (EN)
Edited by Lilarna on 21 November 2024 16:20
The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • Lilarna
    I have some great news for you all very soon!

    I'm checking on a few things and will probably be able to give you the details for the prizes next week! :)
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • Lilarna
    • Rules and information regarding the theme : "Other Worlds"

    • Theme is a very important criteria for this contest.
    • The build must be set in an identifiable universe that has already been created in a work of fiction (novel, movie, series, comic book, manga, role-playing game, video game).
    • The build can NOT be set in Tamriel or in our world.
    • Because the fairy tale theme and the mythological theme have been very present in recent large scale contests, these builds will be excluded.
    • In doubt, come over to the "contest-chat" channel, to check if your idea or house fits the contest theme.

    • Conditions

    • PC/NA and PC/EU are both invited to enter this contest.
    • Set visitor permissions to open access (limited visitor or visitor) by the deadline.
    • No editing of the house whatsoever after the deadline. If an issue blocks visits (such as a door or item collision issue) contact @Lilarna.
    • Any house size is accepted, apart from inn rooms (15/30).
    • Each player can only enter 1 house.
    • EHT FX are not judged.
    • Houses can have won or placed in other contests.
    • House can be participating in other contests.
    • House does NOT need to be set as primary.
    • "Beginner" entries can only be submitted by players who have never won or placed in a housing contest yet.
    • "Beginner" entries can only be submitted by players who have not participated in more than 2 housing contests ever. (screenshot contests do not count)

    • Judging Criteria

    There are 5 different criteria:
    • TECHNIQUE (0 to 10) : seamless placement of items (no clipping), cobbles, structural complexity
    • SPACE DESIGN (0 to 10) : overall layout of the build, path created for the visitor, creative use or transformation of the original house
    • ATMOSPHERE (0 to 10) : ambient feel, lighting, story-telling, immersion, sound effects & music
    • THEME (0 to 10) : how much the entry speaks to the theme "Other Worlds"
    • WOW FACTOR (0 to 5) : personal impressions, how striking the entry is to you
    Edited by Lilarna on 24 September 2024 18:51
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • Lilarna
    Heya everyone !

    I have AMAZING news for you all! The list of prizes has dropped for the housing contest Other Worlds! 😍

    The prize pot counts 90 MILLION Gold total, nearly 60K Crowns (!), ESO+ Codes, Materials + Necrom & All Extensions Pass Codes + Pets!

    ✨ Huge thanks to the people who have donated towards this contest: MsRadcore, Bethesda, Hikate & also several anonymous donors!

    The deadline for Other Worlds still allows you plenty of time to build: Thursday, 17 October 2024 05:59 CET

    Enter before you forget, and don't forget to enter! 😂

    🌌 PLACES
    10 winners for Large Houses (600/700 slots) *
    🔹 1st place: 5500 Crowns + 100 Dreugh Wax + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + 1 Pink Torchbug + 15 Million Gold
    🔹 2nd place: 5500 Crowns + 100 Dragon Rheum + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + 1 Pink Torchbug + 10 Million Gold
    🔹 3rd place: 5500 Crowns + 1 Pink Torchbug + 5 Million Gold
    🔹 4th place: 3000 Crowns + 1 Pink Torchbug + 3 Million Gold
    🔹 5th place: 3000 Crowns + 1 Pink Torchbug + 2 Million Gold
    🔹 6th place: 3000 Crowns + 1 Pink Torchbug + 1 Million Gold
    🔹 7th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold
    🔹 8th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold
    🔹 9th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold
    🔹 10th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold

    5 winners for Small Houses (100/200/400 slots) *
    🔹 1st place: 5500 Crowns + 2 Aetherial Dust + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + 1 Pink Torchbug + 5 Million Gold
    🔹 2nd place: 3000 Crowns + 60 Chromium Plating + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + 1 Pink Torchbug + 4 Million Gold
    🔹 3rd place: 1500 Crowns + 3 Million Gold
    🔹 th place: 1500 Crowns + 2 Million Gold
    🔹 5th place: 1500 Crowns + 1 Million Gold

    5 winners for "Beginner" Large Houses (600/700 slots) *
    🔹 1st place: 3000 Crowns + 60d of ESO Plus (PC) + 17 Perfect Roe + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + Pink Torchbug + 5 Million Gold
    🔹 2nd place: 3000 Crowns + 30d of ESO Plus (PC) + 100 Dragon Blood + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + Pink Torchbug + 4 Million Gold
    🔹 3rd place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 3 Million Gold
    🔹 4th place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 2 Million Gold
    🔹 5th place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 1 Million Gold

    5 winners for "Beginner" Small Houses (100/200/400 slots) *
    🔹 1st place: 1500 Crowns + 60d of ESO Plus (PC) + 100 Tempering Alloy + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + Pink Torchbug + 5 Million Gold
    🔹 2nd place: 1500 Crowns + 30d of ESO Plus (PC) + 40 Luminous Ink + 1 Necrom & all previous extensions Game Code (for you or a friend) + Pink Torchbug + 4 Million Gold
    🔹 3rd place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 3 Million Gold
    🔹 4th place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 2 Million Gold
    🔹 5th place: 1500 Crowns + Pink Torchbug + 1 Million Gold

    5 Honorable Mentions *
    🔹 1 Million Gold Each

    Edited by Lilarna on 11 September 2024 09:45
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • Lilarna
    Oupsie, I corrected a typo in the previous messages!

    There will be FIVE winners for each of the Beginners categories!

    And here's a little reminder on the conditions to enter in that category =
    • "Beginner" entries can only be submitted by players who have never won or placed in a housing contest yet.
    • "Beginner" entries can only be submitted by players who have not participated in more than 2 housing contests ever. (screenshot contests do not count)

    Wishing you all a lovely time!
    And if you have any questions, I'm around! :smile:
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • Shara_Wynn
    Wow these are fantastic prizes but why isn't this getting more publicity? There is nothing about it on the Official Game Site and not many folk who play ESO use these forums never mind read the housing forum?
  • karthrag_inak
    Khajiit participated in one of the competitions that this guild sponsored a while back, and had a good time. He will offer what he hopes is a minimally biased review of the experience.

    This one met some very nice folks in the process, and got some great ideas for future housing efforts - all of these folks are very serious and talented in the housing game in ESO. One of the folks involved with the event even made a delightful video of the entrance way and immediate surrounds of Karth's Glitterbox, which was very nicely done. A lot of effort was put into it, which is greatly appreciated, it is known - khajiit still uses it on occasion to share a small bit of his home with folks. Khajiit had great fun watching the judging streams, visiting other folks' homes, and just in general participating.

    If khajiit were to offer anything in the way of constructive criticism for the honored event organizers (for whatever one humble khajiit's opinion might be worth - undoubtedly not very much :smiley: ) it would be to perhaps work to minimize any appearance of bias in the judging. As is known, housing folks put a great deal of effort into their home decorations and often consider them very personally relevant. Karth had the distinct feeling as he participated that there was some bias toward folks that were already known, or otherwise part of the existing community.

    Now, this is just khajiit's feelings, and try as one might, feelings themselves carry bias, yes? Still, there were motivations for these feelings (and not just because Karth lost :smiley: ). One incident stands out in Karth's mind that was very disappointing. Khajiit watched all the streams where his home was visited (which in itself was quite fun - this one's home isn't that complicated but it was nice to hear reactions to khajiit's efforts). In general this was delightful - khajiit loved hearing comments and criticisms from folks who focus on housing in ESO, and even got a some great ideas for modifications and future builds. One of the judges even found a spot where a placement was off a bit (floating a few cm above the ground), so khajiit was able to fix it.

    Unfortunately, one of the judges (a french-speaking judge - khajiit can speak a bit of french and so thought he would watch his stream as well) entered this one's house and promptly just stood there, saying a few things to their viewers that were beyond khajiit's ability to decipher, and then left (i.e. not moving from the entrance). Khajiit's home is a Pariah's Pinnacle with multiple substantially built-out areas to the left of the entrance, as well as a nightclub, 2-lane bowling alley, and fairly detailed maze, all not visible from the entrance. So that was kind of a crimp in the tail, especially since, from what khajiit could tell, this was the only home that this judge skipped. Perhaps he does not like cats?

    Other than this, khajiit had great fun. He would participate again in this event but the only other world his homebuilds occupy is the strange one between his ears. :smiley:

    Edited by karthrag_inak on 27 September 2024 14:31
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • Lilarna
    Shara_Wynn wrote: »
    Wow these are fantastic prizes but why isn't this getting more publicity? There is nothing about it on the Official Game Site and not many folk who play ESO use these forums never mind read the housing forum?

    Hey there Shara_Wynn and thank you so much for your message!

    In the world of ESO Discord servers, I have been posting some announcements about the contest since July and I am just about to post some more announcements this weekend!

    There is about three weeks to go still, so don't hesitate to keep sharing the info.
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • Lilarna
    Khajiit participated in one of the competitions that this guild sponsored a while back, and had a good time. He will offer what he hopes is a minimally biased review of the experience.

    I definitely want to take the time to answer you here! Will have more time tomorrow as I hjave a very busy Saturday ahead :smile: )

    But already want to say thanks a lot for all your feedback and constructive criticism too!
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • Lilarna
    Khajiit participated in one of the competitions that this guild sponsored a while back, and had a good time. He will offer what he hopes is a minimally biased review of the experience.

    This one met some very nice folks in the process, and got some great ideas for future housing efforts - all of these folks are very serious and talented in the housing game in ESO. One of the folks involved with the event even made a delightful video of the entrance way and immediate surrounds of Karth's Glitterbox, which was very nicely done. A lot of effort was put into it, which is greatly appreciated, it is known - khajiit still uses it on occasion to share a small bit of his home with folks. Khajiit had great fun watching the judging streams, visiting other folks' homes, and just in general participating.
    Thanks a lot, happy you enjoyed this!
    If khajiit were to offer anything in the way of constructive criticism for the honored event organizers (for whatever one humble khajiit's opinion might be worth - undoubtedly not very much :smiley: ) it would be to perhaps work to minimize any appearance of bias in the judging. As is known, housing folks put a great deal of effort into their home decorations and often consider them very personally relevant. Karth had the distinct feeling as he participated that there was some bias toward folks that were already known, or otherwise part of the existing community.

    Now, this is just khajiit's feelings, and try as one might, feelings themselves carry bias, yes? Still, there were motivations for these feelings (and not just because Karth lost :smiley: ). One incident stands out in Karth's mind that was very disappointing. Khajiit watched all the streams where his home was visited (which in itself was quite fun - this one's home isn't that complicated but it was nice to hear reactions to khajiit's efforts). In general this was delightful - khajiit loved hearing comments and criticisms from folks who focus on housing in ESO, and even got a some great ideas for modifications and future builds. One of the judges even found a spot where a placement was off a bit (floating a few cm above the ground), so khajiit was able to fix it.

    Unfortunately, one of the judges (a french-speaking judge - khajiit can speak a bit of french and so thought he would watch his stream as well) entered this one's house and promptly just stood there, saying a few things to their viewers that were beyond khajiit's ability to decipher, and then left (i.e. not moving from the entrance). Khajiit's home is a Pariah's Pinnacle with multiple substantially built-out areas to the left of the entrance, as well as a nightclub, 2-lane bowling alley, and fairly detailed maze, all not visible from the entrance. So that was kind of a crimp in the tail, especially since, from what khajiit could tell, this was the only home that this judge skipped. Perhaps he does not like cats?
    I'm so sorry to hear that you had this experience, with a judge/streamer skipping your house entirely during their stream.

    From being an occasional streamer myself, I know that is is sometimes complicated, when the streaming audience chat is busy, to keep focus 100% on our whereabouts. :'(

    It has happened to me for example, that I visited a house, got caught up with the stream chat, and moved over to the next house and forgot to enter my scores on the spot. In such a case, I return to the house to revisit and write the scores down again.

    I agree that it's really not nice to have this experience. However, I am absolutely sure that the judge returned back to the house, maybe offline, and wrote their scores down after, since I check every single entry's score and, for example, zeros all around would have struck me immediately and I would have investigated the matter. So you can be assured that there was no bias, just that the judging happened offline.
    Other than this, khajiit had great fun. He would participate again in this event but the only other world his homebuilds occupy is the strange one between his ears. :smiley:
    Sorry to hear you have no house at all that might fit the theme for the contest !
    See you around, dear khajit! :smile:
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • karthrag_inak
    Thank you for your response, and good luck with this contest! Can't wait to see the competitors.
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • Lilarna
    Hey everyone! Hope you're doing great!
    BIG NEWS for the housing contest "Other Worlds"!

    We're giving everyone one more month to build!
    Deadline is pushed back by one month and now is: 18th of November 2024!

    For those who entered already, if you need to update your entry, you can write to me in DMs.

    Spread the word!
    Help us spread the word to your housing friends, including those who are new to housing or contests!

    There are special categories for beginners, so let's encourage them to take part!

    The theme is "Other Worlds". What's that about?!
    Anything that is not located in Tamriel, or in our normal, everyday world can fit!
    Some non-exhaustive examples: Star Wars, Hogwarts, Lord of the Rings, The Upside Down, Doctor Who, Dune, Matrix, Zelda, Pandora, ...

    On The Real Endgame Discord, you can find an inspiration channel: https://discord.gg/Mm3zGKrNWG and don't hesitate to write to me to see if your build fits in!

    Take your chance at winning a chunk of the prize pot that stands at 90 MILLION Gold total, nearly 60K Crowns (!), and plenty of CODES!
    Enter by clicking the link below before you forget, and don't forget to enter! 😂
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • kilkenie
    bonsoir j'ai une maison de 600 slots mais utilisée que 363 slots je m'inscrit dans quel catégorie svp ?

    good evening I have a house of 600 slots but only used 363 slots I register in which category please?

    merci google tradution je ne parle que le français.
    thanks google translate I only speak french.

    merci / thanks
  • Lilarna
    kilkenie wrote: »
    bonsoir j'ai une maison de 600 slots mais utilisée que 363 slots je m'inscrit dans quel catégorie svp ?

    good evening I have a house of 600 slots but only used 363 slots I register in which category please?

    merci google tradution je ne parle que le français.
    thanks google translate I only speak french.

    merci / thanks

    The categories depend on the capacity of the house, not the number of furnishings that have been used!

    Les catégories dépendent de la capacité de la maison, pas la quantité de slots utilisés !
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • Lilarna
    🌍️ Hello everyone! 🌍️

    I am very excited to announce the List of entries for the "Other Worlds" contest! 🌟
    76 contestants have decided to share their creations with the community and try for some awesome prizes!

    Here's the link to the list of entries: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zjR3WsKMz_jwe2FtDnbnGOssPFxxhtRVD1HKthgzTuk/

    I know a lot of you are going to be visiting these houses, I'm sure you will really enjoy these creations! Don't forget to leave doors and lights as you found them!

    💬 If you visit a house that you enjoy, then please consider sending a little word to the builder!
    A short message can go such a long way and can put a big smile on someone's face! 😍

    The judging is from 21 November 2024 04:59 CET to 04 December 2024 04:59 CET.

    Big thanks to the 15 Judges who will be visiting the amazing entries: Gambolic, JHartElliss, Kroulin (ESP), LadyCub, Lharmo (FR), Msradcore, NovaDrakkon, Rhagor (DE), Rhiwiel, Sharalei from DDA, SiranTakouhi, Spantifical, Tatanko and Trasse.

    Thanks to Bethesda, Sempiternal, Msradcore, Raghor, Hikate & several anonymous donors for making the prizes amazing!

    Special thanks to @Rhiwiel for her help and support, and to @kitsun.dark for the wonderful GIFs she is going to create!
    Edited by Lilarna on 21 November 2024 16:19
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
  • Lilarna
    Hi there!
    I am amazed at how every participant absolutely went out of their way to create outstanding houses for the "Other Worlds" housing contest!
    To all 76 creators who took part: you put yourselves out there, you spent hours building and you've all been seen and appreciated! And just sharing with the community is a win in itself! ❤️

    Huge thanks to Bethesda for supporting the contest and for sponsoring awesome prizes! Also, huge thanks to the guild Sempiternal, to Hikate and to Raghor and Msradcore for donating great prizes for the contest!

    Thanks a lot to the judges for their dedication and time: Gambolic, JHartElliss, LadyCub, Lharmo (FR), LiLandChill, Msradcore, NovaDrakkon, Rhagor (DE), Rhiwiel, Sharalei from DDA, SiranTakouhi, Spantifical, Tatanko and Trasse.

    And of course: congratulations to the winners!!! 🌈

    Click here to open the List of Entries and Winners

    On The Real Endgame Discord server, there is a channel with GIFs for every single entry. You can grab the link of the GIFs over there and copy them, it will show up as a video on Discord!

    And finally, I would like you to share with you 3 wonderful videos, which are beautiful tours created by Kitsun-Dark that showcase all the winners and honorable mentions of the contest "Other Worlds".

    I hope that you enjoy looking at them as much as I am going to right now! 😍
    "Other Worlds" ESO housing contest - Winners part 1 - Honorable mentions & "Beginner" houses
    "Other Worlds" ESO housing contest - Winners part 2 - Small houses
    "Other Worlds" ESO housing contest - Winners part 3 - Large houses

    All videos can be found on Kitsun-Dark's Youtube Channel!

    Have fun and thanks to everyone for being a wonderful community!
    The Real Endgame: social & housing guild on PC/EU and PC/NA

    Lilarna - Wabbajack EU campaign nostalgic
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