Mirrormoor incursions are pretty dnymic with switches to and from the Valkynazes to the champion. In addition we have in the center a forbidden zone that stuns you for a short time if you happen to enter it while the Valkynaz and the champion can enter it at will.
Now with many players having slotted a taunt or one of the companions having such a skill active the current target is constantly and erratically moving towards the last player or companion to apply taunt. It is really crazy and makes this fight pretty unpleasant to me as a pure dd as I constantly cast my ults or aoe in an emptied space because during execution of that skill the taunt is somewhere else. I don't blame the players, they just follow their rotation and that is ok.
I wonder however if it would not be worthwhile to somehow artificially limit the number of taunts to be casted within a specific time when so many actors with taunt skills are there. Such a mechanism is of course delicate as it must not interfere with tactics in trials for instance where a taunt swap is vital for the group like Dreadsail Reef first boss.
Maybe we can have a sort of cooldown for let's say a fourth player trying to apply a taunt. That is: as soon as three different players have taunted the same target the fourth player/companion is blocked from taunting for a few seconds. After expiration of this cooldown the algorithm counts anew so it is again possible for three different players to cast a taunt on the same target before another cooldown.
Dunno, it is a suggestion and I cannot say if this would be a workable compromise between the necessity to swap active taunt without losing it and a more stable taunt situation for dds during open world messy content like mirrormoor incursions.