For those who don't know what I am talking about, it is the constant amazing fortune the NPC has when it gets all of its power cards shuffled to the top, its combos cards seem to be stuck together, it gets a string of agents stuck together, and/or immediately gets to play a card they just acquired. I've been whining about this for a while, but saw something today that basically proves the ridiculousness of the "randomness" of ToT.
Got the good fortune to get one of Almalexia's agents in Round 1. On the next turn, after the NPC got a shuffle, I paid the agent to try to move one of the NPC"s cards to the cooldown. All he had were 3 cards, all of them single coin. Next turn, hit the agent again, he got a reshuffle, same thing. This happened again on the 3rd turn, again with only 3 cards (NPC was destroying and exchanging 1 coin for 2 coin cards on these turns). I kept doing this every turn, just to see what was going on. Even after the NPC bought real cards (agents, power cards, etc.) I hit Almalexia to see what cards I got to choose from. Every single time it was all coin cards. Even when I captured his cards, further reducing his hand, I still got only coin cards. The coup de gras was when I had reduced him down to under 10 cards, I STILL only got to choose treasury coin cards, meaning every time he got a shuffle, he only got premium cards in his hand.
I still won, but that is irrelevant. The AI is a joke. I would prefer a better strategic engine from the game than relying on these hacky tricks to keep the NPC in the game or artificially ahead.
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on 7 November 2024 10:34