We Went Elsweyr - social & PvE guild dedicated to helping players develop

We Went Elsweyr is a PC North America megaserver social/PvE training guild with a mix of new players and veterans. We have a full guildhall with all utilities available immediately when you enter and have members across a mix of timezones - mostly NA but with some EU. We have regular (fully optional) events, and no requirements (other than being a decent human being - aka, nice to other people - and joining our discord.)

Neurodiverse and LGBTQIA+ people are welcome here. We do not care about your religion, your political stance, etc - but we require you keep it to yourself. We do not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, etc and have a zero tolerance policy; unlike most guilds that say this, we mean it. If you're nasty to people you will be banned without warning.

All levels are welcome. You could have been playing for 5 years, or 5 minutes. The guild is English language based and we are open to new events being hosted.
Discord invite link (no expiry): https://discord.gg/VDx6axczmR

We run a lot of normal difficulty dungeons and trials (so anyone of any level can join and farm the gear they need) but we also help people take their first steps into harder content, or to help them get their next gear upgrade. We sometimes get a guild trader, however we do not actively compete for them as we are not a trade guild. We place bids each week, and if we get one, we get one - if we don't, we don't. We do not have dues, event attendance requirements, or any kind of fee.

We were founded mid February 2024 and have around 400 members. Our discord has opt-in roles for notifications, and ones you can select if you want to help people with specific things (so people who need help can easily find you.) This means you also don't get spammed with @everyone every 5 minutes, or at all.

Our folks like doing world bosses and overland content too, and basically all the content we run is new player friendly with no requirements. We do veteran content on request and we are also open to running it as regular events if we find enough interest and people to lead it. There are some prog groups formed by guildmates and we have a channel specifically for posting about them, so people can find others who want to do more veteran content.

The guildhall is fully decorated and features all utilities you'd expect, right at the entrance:
  • all attunable stations fed into the grandmaster stations,
  • transmute station, provisioning station, alchemy station, enchanting station,
  • dye station with neutral lighting in front and behind which you can toggle,
  • all mundus stones,
  • aethereal wells everywhere you'd want them,
  • merchant, banker, fence (smuggler), armory assistant, deconstruction assistant,
  • vampire fountain and thrall for changing between vampire stages,
  • multiple trial dummies and non trial dummies of all types,
  • scribing altar

We have a very optimised layout - we take it to extremes. The assistants, crafting stations and aethereal well are all extremely close to the entrance, the vampire well and thrall are about 3 seconds away, the dye station is about 3 seconds away and the mundus stones and a trial dummy are about 5 seconds away. The dummy closest to the entrance can be used for an optional "chaos parse" where you can turn on traps to test killing the dummy whilst also avoiding damage.

We have 3 additional trial dummy areas in case the one by the entrance is occupied. All trial dummies have aethereal wells to provide ultimate, and most of them have bankers and armorers next to them, with enchant stations, alchemy stations and provisioning stations in the immediate area. (The only limitation is the number of special furnishing slots - the way it has been set up means you will always have somewhere to parse, and if you need to make some potions, change your glyphs, transmute something, bank, scribe an ability or use an armourer, you can do it without leaving your dummy.) All trial dummies also have skeletons nearby (but out of standard AoE radius) so that if you want to have a friend provide you with extra buffs, you can do this.

The more niche stuff like the 100 stacked dummies for fun, standard 20m non trial dummy, or the 50 million hp dummy (for group DPS testing), the precursor dummy (mostly for PvP testing due to lower resistances and health), resource drain traps, burst damage traps and puzzle simulator are further out. The dummy locations all naturally have access to aethereal wells so you can get your ultimate back.

We also have:
  • hangout spots,
  • traps set up for healer and tank testing, some focused on damage you can take, some on resource drain,
  • 100 skeletons and a trial dummy stacked together for fun,
  • bedlam veil puzzle simulator,
  • we use the PvP arena house, so the guildhall doubles up as a great duelling space,
  • trial simulation houses linked in message of the day,
  • self-service instant zone port houses linked in message of the day - this is great if you're a new player or on a new character and want to go to a new zone, or just want some free extra teleport options
  • an escape room

Discord invite link (no expiry): https://discord.gg/VDx6axczmR

You can request an invite in the discord, or you can send an in game application - copy and paste into in-game chat: |H1:guild:926279|hWe Went Elsweyr|h

If you do not have any guild slots but you're looking for some people to hang out with, you are welcome to join the discord without joining the guild.
Edited by WeWentElsweyr on 23 August 2024 19:21
  • WeWentElsweyr
    Bump, we are doing group choice normal trials tonight - join us in discord!
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