I have a Pyromancer MagDK, has a fetcher ton of Flame Dmg abilities, but when I took her into a normal Dungeon I was hitting like a wet noodle. When I was looking thru my skills and gear I noticed fully buffed, my Flame Clench didn't even reach 6k Dmg in the tooltip. My DK fully buffed has 5,390 Spell Dmg with nearly 40k Max Magic, and yet for comparison, my MagSorc's Shock Clench, with under 4k Spell Dmg and 42k Max Magic has a 9k+ Dmg tooltip. What's going on with that difference here? Even if her Max Magic is a little lower that much base Spell Damage should offset, so why is the tooltip lower?
Aside from that all of my abilities, save for Heavy Attacks, felt really subpar, did something change since I paid close attention to my DK last?
CP2,000 Master Explorer -
AvA One Star General -
Console Peasant -
The ClanQuest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!