Gold Road Voice Acting Credits

Time for my Annual Request! Hiya @ZOS_BeckyIchnoski can we get a full cast listing for our wonderful Gold Road Voice Actors, please and thank you, as always!
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Just wanted to give a heads up, this might be a bit delayed. Becky is out on Maternity leave!

    But we’ll check in with the team to see if we can get that list soon!
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Akino
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to give a heads up, this might be a bit delayed. Becky is out on Maternity leave!

    But we’ll check in with the team to see if we can get that list soon!

    Give our regards to Becky!
    Rectitude carried to excess hardens into stiffness; benevolence indulged beyond measure sinks into weakness.
    ※Masamune Date※
  • TaSheen
    Oh gosh, here's to you Becky, wishing you and baby the best!

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Akino wrote: »
    Give our regards to Becky!

    Will do!
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • sindradottir
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Just wanted to give a heads up, this might be a bit delayed. Becky is out on Maternity leave!

    But we’ll check in with the team to see if we can get that list soon!

    My brain is too fried, so <insert joke about not needing the baby to put the list together, any ZOS team member will do>

    Congrats Becky! Enjoy YOUR Gold Road! And thank you @ZOS_Kevin for the update on both fronts, I look forward to seeing the list as soon as feasibly possible! I just know Becky was always quick to respond to my requests in previous years, so that's why I tagged her. Thank you for hopping on this!

    As a side note, if you could also pass along the note to the team that we know in years past, it didn't really seem like players cared much about the voice actors in their games, but in recent years, perhaps in part due to Twitch and voice actors also being gamers and streaming, players REALLY care about voice actors in gaming now, and voice acting in gaming has become a highly validated section of the industry that wasn't really given much due before.

    It would mean a lot to the voice actors in your player community to see the full cast list officially published on the site with each release, without community prompting. I imagine it would also mean a lot to the voice actors in the game itself, as well. We love the ESO LIVEs you do with the Big Main Character actors each time, but you could be a company on the forefront of honoring the full cast at release, helping to change the future of the industry, and the future of the lives of those actors, as every bit of press they can add to their portfolio and every bit of press that organically draws in other studios will only help them grow, and you can be a part of that.

    So to summarize, I am asking you to pass along the suggestion to include a section of the website that is dedicated to the voice actors of the game, from all the releases, perhaps sub-categorized by the release in which they joined the Hall of Voices, with each new release highlighted at the top? Show their publicity shot, listing their name, and the names of the characters they voiced in each release, and do this either at launch as part of the publicity, or even pre-launch as part of the hype up. Then this could be easily found and referred to, instead of having to dig through years of forum posts and offsite webpages looking for the information.

    Just an idea. Yall rock. Thank you. <3
  • Bethgael

    It would mean a lot to the voice actors in your player community to see the full cast list officially published on the site with each release, without community prompting. I imagine it would also mean a lot to the voice actors in the game itself, as well. We love the ESO LIVEs you do with the Big Main Character actors each time, but you could be a company on the forefront of honoring the full cast at release, helping to change the future of the industry, and the future of the lives of those actors, as every bit of press they can add to their portfolio and every bit of press that organically draws in other studios will only help them grow, and you can be a part of that. [snipped for brevity]

    Completely, utterly agree, especially given the rise of AI voice acting. It would be useful to know who uses real VAs and therefore which titles/games to continue to support.

    Also, VAs are actors, and they work durned hard. they should always be credited.

    Also, some of us, if we recognise a voice but can't place it, find it really, really hard to keep playing without finding out who that is. It would help those people stay immersed [cough]imayknowsomeonejustlikethiswhofoundthisthreadbecauseofthisreason[/cough]

    Congrats Becky!

    Edited by Bethgael on 5 June 2024 08:59
    Ingame ID: Bethgael PC NA/EU but mostly NA
  • essi2
    Why isn't this information just posted somewhere as soon as a DLC or Chapter is shipped?
    "The Heritance are racists yes? Idiots. But dangerous, destabilizing racist idiots." - Razum-dar

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    ** Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-EU) - Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-NA) **

    *** - ***
  • Tandor
    essi2 wrote: »
    Why isn't this information just posted somewhere as soon as a DLC or Chapter is shipped?

    A footnote to the launch patch notes would seem to be an obvious place.
  • Belegnole
    Personally, the voice acting in this chapter sounds like it was phoned in. [snip] While others sounded bored and uninspired.

    [edited for minor bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 8 June 2024 17:54
  • Indigo_Shade
    Belegnole wrote: »
    Personally, the voice acting in this chapter sounds like it was phoned in. [snip] While others sounded bored and uninspired.

    I found some of the voice acting really good, and other sorta meh. Note to self and other players: There is way more audio than just the main zone story. Been having fun with Zone side quests.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 8 June 2024 17:55
  • MorganaBlue
    I'm 99% sure that the voice actor for the Fox in ESO's scribing Wings of the Gryphon story line is the same voice actor used to voice the main character fox NPC in BDO's main story quest line in the Mountain of Eternal Winter expansion, and I find that amusing. lol
  • IrelandTweaky
    Captain Dromius Terrus seems to be voiced by David Lodge (Nahfahlaar, General Renmus).
  • joe_schmo
    VA is great but I hate how one of the daily quest givers keeps pronouncing Julianos and "Julianyos". Like come on
  • Cambridge_Spy
    Captain Dromius Terrus seems to be voiced by David Lodge (Nahfahlaar, General Renmus).

    And so is The Gryphon, apparently. I guess it's good to see none other than Jeralt Reus Eisner himself do more VO work for ESO since Dragonhold, but here's something else I'd like to add involving another Three Houses VA.

    Now that they're in the credits, I now have a hunch that Ulfsild, The Crow, and that drunk Orc you can find in Random Encounters on the road in West Weald are voiced by...

    Allegra Clark.

    Last year, I did have a hunch that she was Scruut, but it turned out to be Heather Gonzalez instead. If I'm right about The Crow, though, then if she becomes a Houseguest, I'll be glad to put her in a room with Scruut and Arox. :)
  • amig186
    I'm 99% sure that the voice actor for the Fox in ESO's scribing Wings of the Gryphon story line is the same voice actor used to voice the main character fox NPC in BDO's main story quest line in the Mountain of Eternal Winter expansion, and I find that amusing. lol

    And so is The Gryphon, apparently. I guess it's good to see none other than Jeralt Reus Eisner himself do more VO work for ESO since Dragonhold, but here's something else I'd like to add involving another Three Houses VA.

    Now that they're in the credits, I now have a hunch that Ulfsild, The Crow, and that drunk Orc you can find in Random Encounters on the road in West Weald are voiced by...

    Allegra Clark.

    Last year, I did have a hunch that she was Scruut, but it turned out to be Heather Gonzalez instead. If I'm right about The Crow, though, then if she becomes a Houseguest, I'll be glad to put her in a room with Scruut and Arox. :)

    I think the Fox is Yuri Lowenthal. The Crow is definitely Laura Post, I'd recognise that voice anywhere.
    PC EU
  • Cambridge_Spy
    amig186 wrote: »
    The Crow is definitely Laura Post, I'd recognise that voice anywhere.

    Funny, Shamir's wife gets to voice The Crow, and Shamir finally joins the VA roster. Speaking of Laura Post, I thought Arana in Markarth was Jennifer Hale doing an Irish accent initially (especially since Hale claimed to have voiced other characters besides Lyris in the 2020 story arc).

    I wouldn't be surprised if The Fox was Ben Diskin again, he's been in the game since the Murkmire prologue at least.
  • IrelandTweaky
    Jahones Valain from the Netch quest seems to be Wes Johnson (Hermaeus Mora, etc.).

    I'm moving through the zone story and Scribing line a little bit slowly, so checking in here and posting as I find things.
  • Syldras
    Belegnole wrote: »
    Personally, the voice acting in this chapter sounds like it was phoned in. [snip] While others sounded bored and uninspired.

    I've got a mixed opinion about it (can't speak of the original English voice acting, though, only my localization). Some are really good, most are definitively okay. Personally, I don't like the over the top "quirky" cartoonish voices, even if the character is supposed to be funny. Also, the distortion effect for "supernatural" beings like the crow is a bit weird. It actually sounds like it's coming out from an old loudspeaker.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 8 June 2024 17:55
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
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  • Circuitous
    I wouldn't be surprised if The Fox was Ben Diskin again, he's been in the game since the Murkmire prologue at least.

    It's Yuri Lowenthal, actually!
    Thank Stendarr it’s Fredas.
    Elanirne: Altmer Templar Healer, DC
    Auria Dolabella: Imperial Nightblade Tank, DC
  • IrelandTweaky
    Pretty sure Quarry Boss Laurina (and loads of other characters from all throughout the game and previous DLCs) is Fryda Wolff.
  • dragonriderabens
    Soul Shriven
    Circuitous wrote: »

    It's Yuri Lowenthal, actually!

    I KNEW his voice sounded familiar
  • Elsonso
    Circuitous wrote: »

    It's Yuri Lowenthal, actually!

    Looking through his credits, that is one busy guy!
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • IrelandTweaky
    Robbie Daymond (Dirge Truptor, Fennorian, etc.) seems to be with us in multiple roles again. I believe he is Grander Nemarcet and possibly Uriel Weatherleah.
  • IrelandTweaky
    PS: I hope recognising the actors doesn't lessen their chances for future gigs. Like OP, I enjoy knowing who plays which roles. Making the occasional correct guess at their identity is just a fun pasttime. No reflection on their abilities whatsover. I think they're great!
  • Cambridge_Spy
    I'll throw more cents into possible Allegra roles - Tribune Alea Idolus, Trapper Marcien (she is known for taking non-binary character roles) and Legionary Jaida.

    Guess work with regards to VAs is kinda fun. I'll tell you some other guesses I made which were later proven wrong.

    Female Greymoor bards - I initially thought it was Cherami Leigh, but once the bards were given proper credit in 2022 with High Isle's launch, I no longer think that. I don't know who the actual voice for those bards are, but A Threnody To Lost Love eerily fits Cherami's character in Fire Emblem Three Houses for reasons I don't want to spoil here.

    Bastian Hallix - I thought it was Billy Kametz, turns out it was Griffin Puatu. Given everything that subsequently happened, I guess I should be thankful Billy didn't get that part. He did however go on to voice one of the bards in Fargrave, Samuel Gouronne, and of course, the gondolier in High Isle. High Isle launched three days before he passed on.

    As a side note, the Sanguine Shrine in West Weald can pass for an in-game memorial to Billy. Yes, Ferdinand von Aegir is secretly a Daedric prince. :)
  • amig186

    Funny, Shamir's wife gets to voice The Crow, and Shamir finally joins the VA roster. Speaking of Laura Post, I thought Arana in Markarth was Jennifer Hale doing an Irish accent initially (especially since Hale claimed to have voiced other characters besides Lyris in the 2020 story arc).

    More like Rhea's wife, lol. Now I kind of wish Cherami Leigh was in ESO too, I think she'd be a good fit for a wise Altmer. I don't recall hearing J. Hale anywhere else, but she has a good vocal range so who knows. I didn't even know she voiced other characters than female Shepard in ME1 after 2 playthroughs.
    PC EU
  • ZOS_BeckyIchnoski
    Hello and thank you! Here is a cast list though it does not list every NPC. If someone is missing that you would like to know about, please let me know. For Additional Voices, those actors voiced multiple smaller roles such as merchants, hostile enemies, and the like.

    Alix Wilton Regan – Ithelia
    Katelyn Gault – Tribune Alea Idolus
    Allegra Clark – Votary Nahlia, Malaniel
    Yuri Lowenthal – The Fox, Uriel Weatherleah
    Sean Chiplock – The Indrik, Groundskeeper Otho Florius
    Isaac Robinson-Smith – The Netch, Gundelion
    Laura Post – The Crow, Pelena Weatherleah
    David Lodge – The Gryphon, Captain Dromius Terrus
    Tom Taylorson – King Nantharion, Priest Faric Velain, Commandant Salerius
    Heather Gonzalez – Scruut
    Wes Johnson – Hermaeus Mora, Greenspeaker Nedolir, Jahones Valain
    Mela Lee – Leramil the Wise
    Brad Grusnick – Beragon, Eric Valain, Marcan Caelum
    Frankie Kevich – Belienne, Lady Ursilla Valente
    Robbie Daymond – Fennorian, Grander Nemarcet, Toutis Mido
    Jake Stormoen – Clendagal, Votary Llaren
    Steve West – Torvesard
    Christopher Smith – Hooke
    Rachel Crowl – The Dragon
    Jamieson Price – Count Calantius, Innkeeper Brynmir
    Tiffany Bennicke – Maerenah, Bella Vestum
    Keith Silverstein – Narsis Dren
    Dave Fennoy – Keshargo
    Bruce Thomas – Ghrakug
    Kimberly Woods – Legionary Jaida, Constable Yabren, Aquilia Verres
    Erin Fitzgerald – Greenspeaker Sorilen, Baroness Eliana Cossa
    Jim Pirri – Chef Edric Brussiner, Fallen-Knives
    Matt Lowe – Adept Irnard Rirnil, Minth
    Kyle McCarley – Curate Gadayn, Chronicler Firandil
    Kari Wahlgren – Elfbetta the Shy, Orissa Dellinoi
    Kelsey Jaffer – Laeni, Pim
    Minae Noji – Syloria Rullus, Julian Catous
    Melissa Thom – Agawen Ciiril, Valenia
    Robin Atkin Downes – Mizzik Thunderboots
    Paul Guyet – Legionary Caepio, Xoryn
    Tara Langella – Big Urm, Shardmarshal Vargas

    Bard Singers:
    Elsie Lovelock
    Jacob Craner

    Additional Voices:
    Mo Beatty
    Richard Cansino
    Arthur Romeo
    Beau Marie
    Matthew Waterson
    Xander Mobus
    Abigail Marlowe
    Cissy Jones
    Arianna Ratner
    Trevor Devall
    John Patneaude
    Jon Luke Thomas
    Nyasha Hatendi
    Emily O’Brien
    Courtenay Taylor
    Fryda Wolff
    Erica Luttrell
    Anna Graves
    Cari Kabinoff
    Sumalee Montano

    Becky Ichnoski, Voiceover Lead
    Staff Post
  • Elsonso
    Cool! Thanks! And... congrats and welcome back!
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Cambridge_Spy
    Allegra Clark – Votary Nahlia, Malaniel

    No way! I was way off! Oh well, at least we have both Catherine and Shamir in the Scribing quest line after all. Maybe I will put them in the same room instead and have them stare at each other once they become houseguests (since at the moment with pathing you can't make houseguests perform an assigned animation, only having them wait for a set amount of time). Also, Mela Lee (Tiki) is the last person I'd expect to be Leramil, you'd think it'd be Cindy Robinson instead. And with regards to other Fire Emblem VAs, Legionary Jaida is voiced by Lapis instead. Go figure.
  • TaSheen
    I never recognize anyone by voice because I just am bothered by VA in games. However. I wound up with my headphones on and jumped into game forgetting to both take them off and turn the volume off, and actually heard Nahlia during the Crow quest line - REALLY well done, and SO much better than Eveli! [Actually, Eveli - not only the voice but everything else about her - is why I quit listening to anything but music....]

    If Nahlia became a companion I might even try out a companion for the first time.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
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