Hey all, while I think we can all agree that ESO is a good game, I think we can also agree that some QoL issues can be rectified or improved upon, I'm hoping to share some ideas I had, and hopefully you all can share some on here too, and maybe we can make a comprehensive list for the Devs to look at. (and please, let's keep it civil and avoid nerf/flame wars)
1.) a seperate pet tab for your noncombat pets/trophies: they're cute, they're fun, but they're useless and in a game that already promotes hoarding they take up valuable space and at times I'm forced to destroy one or the other to make room.
2.) ability delay: not sure if it's just my problem or not, but when using the bow my character will be stuck in full charged mode, and 10 seconds later the damage will be added on. Or my crystal shards will shoot, and hit, but it never registers as being used.
3: An easier search function in the guild stores. let me type in the name of something I'm looking for, or have a materials, consumable, or armor subcategory.
4: when deconstructing, I would LOVE it if the items from my bank and my inventory would be seperated by a tab or highlighted in a different color. Especially when I start on those day long research timers. I hate the unnecessary time it takes to make sure I don't destroy something I'm saving for research.
What are your ideas?
Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!