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Does anyone plan to actually ride the Jubilee Confetti Mount?

I should have taken a better look at this mount before I spent tickets to get it. Not only does this mount have a questionable smear on its backside but it spreads a trail of confetti behind it. And while mounted, the rider also holds a piece of cake on a plate. And to make things even worse, I just found out that it also jingles when mounting up.

This isn't the image I want of my powerful characters as they explore Tamriel.
Edited by SilverBride on 25 April 2024 16:30
  • furiouslog
    Only my cake fancier toons are riding it.
  • Grizzbeorn
    When I saw what it was*, I deleted all of the Confetti I had accumulated. (I would have given them away if they weren't BoP.)
    Not even gonna unlock the mount.

    (*it just doesn't fit the aesthetic of any of my characters.)

    Edited by Grizzbeorn on 25 April 2024 15:41
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • fizl101
      I have my mount set to random, so there is a chance it will show up
      Soupy twist
    • Necrotech_Master
      myself? no, because i hate animal mounts (and really mounts in general but if i have to use them i dont want it to be animal themed lol)

      some of my companions though have "random mount" selected to use any of my random 80+ mounts so i figure it might pop up from time to time lol
      plays PC/NA
      handle @Necrotech_Master
      active player since april 2014
    • freespirit
      Got it on all my accounts, will likely never see Tamriel. like ever!! :D
      When people say to me........
      "You're going to regret that in the morning"
      I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
    • Scaletho
      The ppl who got it will ride it for one week just to show off. Then it get boring, another "rare stuff" hype will come up and the people will give up.
    • WhiteCoatSyndrome
      I will probably ride it for a few minutes to commemorate the end of the worst Anniversary in memory and then switch back to my Yokudan Charger. Or maybe bust out my Psijic horse, I haven’t ridden that lately.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
      A useful explanation for how RNG works
    • RaddlemanNumber7
      My Master Crafter rode the mount during the event. The plan is to do the same during next year's Anniversary event.

      PC EU
    • spartaxoxo
      Yes! I have Bastian and I both riding it, in matching Anniversary attire. I love the little jingle it makes when you mount up. And the confetti is so fun.
    • vesperghost
      I was just gonna assign it to Isobel. she's got that sweet tooth.
      my what
    • onyxorb
      I'm going to shove it in a house to use for the confetti special effects.
      Maybe use it as a knock off 'princess horse' for a toon, not sure yet, the cake slice in the hand throws that off a bit.
    • AzuraFan
      I marked it as a favourite. I like variety.
    • Dragonnord
      I love the horse! But as always, people will complain about everything.
      SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes
    • Katheriah
    • AlienSlof
      AzuraFan wrote: »
      I marked it as a favourite. I like variety.

      This. It pops up occasionally for something different but most of my favourite mount list is cats!
      Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
    • amapola76
      Oh, no, I didn't notice the cake slice. I was planning to use it; I think it's pretty. But I guess I will most likely stable it in one of my homes now.
    • Reginald_leBlem
      It sparkles, makes a little chiming noise, and I have cake.

      I ride it on my main explorer toon, and gave it to Ember to ride too. Ember deserves a little treat.
    • kah
      I have it on my main. I like the sound it makes, and I get to carry cake!
    • Jaraal
      I can't unsee the sewn/glued on tail thing, especially with the contrasting colors. And considering that that is front and center and the focal point when you ride, no, I won't be using it.

      Also disappointed that the horse doesn't have a unique space bar emote, like most special mounts.
      RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
    • Elvenheart
      No. Well, I might on whimsical days, but only if they fix the tail issue.
    • DigiAngel
      Not me...looks way too silly.
    • Rowjoh
      I've been riding it purely in support of the spirit of the occasion, but now you call it for what it is, I hide my face in shame and will never use it again.
    • SilverBride
      spartaxoxo wrote: »
      I love the little jingle it makes when you mount up.

      It jingles, too?!
    • TheImperfect
      I really like it and think it looks rich and cake and confetti is fun.
    • ArchangelIsraphel
      I do genuinely like the horse, but I'll say a couple of things about it, because I feel it could have been done a bit better.

      I love the coloration of the horse itself, in contrast with the red and gold details on the tack. I enjoy how the red seems to be a reference to the red-diamond.

      I actually like the confetti, and think it's super fun, along with the noise the horse makes when summoned. But I do wish two things about it:

      1. I wish that it wasn't coming out from under the saddle, making it look as though my character ate a few too many jesters festival boxes an is having some, uhmn...interesting GI issues >_>; It would look better as a general aura of glitter instead.

      2. I wish that you could toggle the cake and glitter effect off, so that outside of the festival, you could just enjoy the horse as normal. I like the cake, but I do wish it was toggleable.

      I also find myself wishing that the tail had been done better, since I really dislike how the attachment to the body was done.

      I love the tack on the horse though. It's really gorgeous. A toggle for the glitter effects and cake would make me love it so much more though.
      Legends never die
      They're written down in eternity
      But you'll never see the price it costs
      The scars collected all their lives
      When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
      Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
      Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
      Legends never die
    • lilsaren
      Soul Shriven
      I've been using it! I'm a new player so a free mount was wonderful.
      ✧.* 𝙈𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙧𝙚 EU, PS5 CP 600 *.✧
      ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
    • SilverBride
      The more I discover about this mount the more I dislike it. It does not fit my image of the strong powerful characters I encounter when playing ESO.
    • Arizona_Steve
      Who can resist holding up their cake while riding a mount with a poo stain on its butt that farts out glitter?
      Wannabe Thalmor - Altmer MagSorc
    • tebqoter
      I'm riding it. It is officially my second favorite pvp mount (after the unicorn).
    • Hamish999
      Nope, I deleted all the confetti things as soon as I got them.
      Do'Zahra - Khajiit - StamDK - AD
      Narese Telvanni - Dunmer - Petsorc - EP
      Anastasie Chastain - Breton - Magplar - DC
      Gashnakh the Lusty - Orc - Stamsorc - AD
      Stands-In-Stoopid - Argonian - Warden Tank - AD
      Talia al-Morwha - Redguard - Stamden - AD
      Makes-Fier-Wrong - Argonian - Stamblade - AD
      Busty-Argonian-Maid - Argonian - Templar Healer - AD
      Alaru Telvanni - Dunmer - Stamplar - AD
      Ko'Raehsi - Khajiit - Magsorc - AD
      Torhild Rock-Chucker - Nord - StamDK - AD
      Drusilla Larouche - Breton - MagDK - AD
      Ko'Khanni - Khajiit - Magden - AD
      Ilithyia Ectorius - Imperial - DK Tank -AD

      Keyboard and mouse FTW!
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