The specific cause, the code involved, none of us would know. This stuck in combat persisting even after death and even being put in combat when there is nothing around to cause the condition to occur has been around for awhile know.
Is it fixable? Of course, it is. Why it is not fixed after enough time has passed to fix it dozens of time is the pertinent question.
Going to Cheesemongers hollow to reset this bug endless times because you are "stuck in combat" over even a few hours is just not acceptable. Running back and forth to keeps isn't part of the "fun"....
Something else that's equally annoying is you sometimes can't get back into Cyrodil if its a busy time.
This has been a issue for years, but I don't know why is it's not being addressed.
I presume its because some players are still running around after a battle that you was part of, but that imo leads to another issue that people are also complaining about. This garbage tanky meta where people don't seem to die easily.
The in combat counter should reset after 1 minute or something if you personally haven't targeted someone - sounds simple doesn't it......
Seems like this was intentional so PvE players can't skip monsters, but it's idiotic in PvP, where players shouldn't have to miss the next fight because they're in "combat," and there's serious risk to mounting up with enemy players around.
How about the work around of 'Recall stone to Cheesemongers'
Sometimes you can use a recall stone when you are stuck in combat, but you have to be quick.
The screen will flash red and then occasionally stop for a few seconds before starting to flash again.
I've noticed that if you keep clicking on the recall stone you can sometimes get it to work, but even then you will still have to go to Cheesemongers to completely clear it.