Hopefully we will have a Cyrodiil revival soon, after server upgrades, re-coding and bug fixes (
fingers crossed on that one ). Now I think it is high time to make the Cyrodiil experience more smooth for beginners and semi-experienced players. I personally learned way too late what the home territory of each factions is, although it is of course obvious once you learned it. But wouldn't it be wonderful if also the territory your faction
currently owns would be lightly painted in the owner's color, showing the respective progress to paint the map [your color here]? One would also be aware which faction the guards in the cities are, and the like. I would love it!
Also, while we are at it, why not improving the roster to join Cyrodiil, so you can easily see which campaign's faction has which LowPop/LowScore Bonus? That would make those bonusses much more attractive for beginners and progress people alike I am convinced, and isn't it their purpose to attract players?