Maintenance for the week of February 17:
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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

Does anyone employed by zos pvp?

  • GooGa592
    it would be curious to learn that there are any devs who main a templar or necro in pvp

    i would sincerely love to hear their perspective on changes to these classes over the past couple of years

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler used to main magplar iirc and @ZOS_RichLambert stamplar

    Not sure these days if this is still the case / if pvp is part of either's gameplay recently.

    Nobody plays stamplar in PvP anymore. Haven't seen one in PvP since shortly after U35 dropped, and with good reason.
  • silky_soft
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Yeah, we'll have more communication around the Q4 system as we get closer. Teams are still working and testing, so we're a ways off from having conversation on that front. But the team is excited for when we get to that point!

    Any chance those that pvp could VPN to say Sydney, Australia and see what it's like? I feel that range buff that battle spirit should be given to all high ping players only. Ranged and melee. Surely there is a way to link billing address and IP to check who has high ping to give it.

    I've got 3x swift, have gryphons and use elude. I still get caught in skill loops where I skill on my screen but the server check fails. So the skill fails and it's a wasted global dooldown. Sometime you also get charged for the skill but nothing happens, on normal and ulti.

    I've played pve and pvp in Australia with ~250ms, I've also played in Brazil with ~150ms. It's a different game. I can only imagine how amazing 50ms and below would feel like.
    Streak moves you faster then speed cap.
    Dragon Leap and Fossilise CC happens at the start of the activation not at the contact point.
    Battlespirit 8m range buff to 28m skills needs to be removed.
    My heavy attacks still don't work and I still get stuck in ambush.
  • SandandStars
    it would be curious to learn that there are any devs who main a templar or necro in pvp

    i would sincerely love to hear their perspective on changes to these classes over the past couple of years

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler used to main magplar iirc and @ZOS_RichLambert stamplar

    Not sure these days if this is still the case / if pvp is part of either's gameplay recently.

    This is honestly surprising, considering how templars have been diminished to spamming radiant in pvp

    It would be really amazing to hear from either of them if they still pvp on templar, and what they enjoy about it
  • sarahthes
    React wrote: »
    I've seen Gilliam in PVP exactly one time in the past four years that I've spent on PC NA. It was in IC during a PVP event maybe two years back.

    I'm not familiar with the @names of any other zenimax employees, but I would wager that PVP is not the preferred activity for the majority of them.

    He used to play pretty regularly with Stan, Jules, Manny and that crowd before they all quit ESO.
  • RetPing
    Stridig wrote: »
    Please tell me none of them run in any ballgroups. That would extinguish the pilot light of hope that Cyrodiil will ever see any improvements.

    Looking at all the changes/set introduced is perfectly clear that they run in Ballgroup and play Nightblades.
  • RetPing
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »

    The team is always proud of the work done with PvP.

    Sorry Kevin but I can't accept this statement.
    How can they say that when PvP has declined so much, every aspect of it is worse, starting for the low populatiuon cap in Cyro.

    This is how I feel, everyone can disagree with that.

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 26 February 2024 14:58
  • xiphactinus
    Abilities not firing,
    RetPing wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »

    The team is always proud of the work done with PvP.

    Sorry Kevin but I can't accept this statement.
    How can they say that when PvP has declined so much, every aspect of it is worse, starting for the low populatiuon cap in Cyro.

    This is how I feel, everyone can disagree with that.

    Yep I feel the same. They know though and it kinda makes things worse. When folk say there is nothing wrong I just conclude that they are on the payroll or are flat out mugging me off. Either way, They ain't playing the same game. I can't even bar swap in cyro 50% of the time so Oakensoul compensates a little. Then my abilities do not fire so when I'm told nothing is awry it seems suspect to me and I'm sure many others.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 26 February 2024 14:59
  • Stncold
    GooGa592 wrote: »

    Nobody plays stamplar in PvP anymore. Haven't seen one in PvP since shortly after U35 dropped, and with good reason.
    I still play stamplar regularly. But I'm also a masochist and hate myself.
  • CrazyKitty
    RetPing wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »

    The team is always proud of the work done with PvP.

    Sorry Kevin but I can't accept this statement.
    How can they say that when PvP has declined so much, every aspect of it is worse, starting for the low populatiuon cap in Cyro.

    This is how I feel, everyone can disagree with that.

    I agree 100%. What's to be proud of now days when it comes to Cyrodiil PvP? We can't even get into Greyhost to participate in our scheduled guild raids now because the population cap is so crazy low. And when I did finally get in after the 30 minute queue at 6:30 am, I disconnected riding up to the very first fight. What's to be proud of with this situation?

    I'm so disheartened with the state of Cyrodiil right now I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better if they just shut it down all together as opposed to whittling it away into oblivion a little more every year like they're doing now.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 26 February 2024 15:00
  • Iriidius
    it would be curious to learn that there are any devs who main a templar or necro in pvp

    i would sincerely love to hear their perspective on changes to these classes over the past couple of years
    Templar was META in update 32,33 and 34 and Necro was META in update 26 and 27, still meta after nerf in u28, still a good class after templar and dk got buffed and hybridization in u32 and u33 until they nerfed necromancer so bad in update 35,
    so it seems like at least at this time there were devs who mained a templar in update 32,33 and 34 and devs who mained necromancer in update 26+27.
    Since release of the game all classes were at the top and the bottom at different times except arcanist which is not released long enaugh althought sometimes the class metas take so long that people forget there ever were other class metas, sometimes multiple years, so devs would have changed their main class multiple times.
    It has already been said about every class that the devs play/don‘t play it, love/hate it usw.
    It seems like ZOS regulary changes the META including meta classes to force players to create and level new characters to give them something to do and prevent them from getting bored and leave, althought players have already enaugh to do in the game and a lot of players leave because their favorite classes get destroyed, they can‘t or don‘t want to spend time adapting to the new meta, get bored of meta classes and other reasons caused by the meta changes.
    It doesn‘t seem to be ZoS goal to make ESO balanced, many players have much better concepts to make classes balanced. Keeping same classes meta for over a year allows even non daily players to create char of new class, level it up, level the skilllines up, train the horse, get used to it and finally enjoy it a bit at full potential before the class stops beeing meta and the next class gets meta.
    Probably somewhen in the future ZoS will overbuff Templar and Necro to Meta again and keep it that way for years too and players will complain about this and get ignored. ZoS should stop doing regular changing METAs with overperforming and underperforming classes and instead balance classes so that all of them feel strong and fun to play. But ZoS rather randomly chooses which class to make OP next and nerfs others.
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    it would be curious to learn that there are any devs who main a templar or necro in pvp

    i would sincerely love to hear their perspective on changes to these classes over the past couple of years

    Agreed, also like to hear their reasonings behind it taking so long to buff magsorc too, especially since whenever sorc had done well over the past few years, it was always a proc build and 99% of the time those proc builds were stamina focused, not mag focused.
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Yeah, we'll have more communication around the Q4 system as we get closer. Teams are still working and testing, so we're a ways off from having conversation on that front. But the team is excited for when we get to that point!

    Thank you for popping in with some communication and explanations, looking forward to seeing more of it in the future and having more open discussions with the team (if possible).

    Magsorc was one of strongest PvP classes between 2017 and 2020. When people spoke about Stam Meta in PvP, because stam specs were good and mag specs were bad, magsorc was the one exception. Magsorc was also META in early 2021 no proc Cyrodiil when all but 18 poor unconditional stat sets were deactivated in Cyrodiil for last 3 weeks of update 28 and u29, because alfiq and ancient grace were good sets now. It was still decent in u30 high dmg META when they got death dealers fete as mythic.
    Changing the 20% extra stats from cp into flat boni with new cp system in u29 definitely nerfed magsorc hard, as it destroyed already underperforming magicka/stam stacking and should be reverted/the 20% magicka should be given back somehow.
    U34 Bowsorc was stronger than Magdk and Magplar that were much stronger than they/Magdk are now, strong even without savage werewolf/other proc sets and completely OP with them. And since update 35 until today master dw/vate destro maarselok stamsorc is a strong and common build and the most used class for this build despite templar and necro also underperforming. How Stamsorc performs with proc sets definitely has to be considered when buffing Sorc. Magsorc had its time at the top. However it is so bad for so long that it could use a few buffs.

  • xiphactinus
    patdedub wrote: »

    Care to elaborate?

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on 2 March 2024 15:07
  • GooGa592
    patdedub wrote: »

    Care to elaborate?

    [edited to remove quote]

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