The thought just occured to me, I'm trying to make an outfit for a possible future character, who'd have been part of another of my characters squad during the Alliance war, before my other character abandoned AD and converted to DC, so I want to make an outfit that sort of has a 'disgraced' vibe for this potential new character if I do make them, which would ideally have a piece or two of AD alliance style but changed enough to no longer be the focus, and it suddenly got me thinking that having some sort of actual tarnished Alliance styles might be pretty cool. Either worn down, emblems being taken off or replaced, stuff like that. I guess something generic that just has any Allience specific stuff taken off the armour so then it'd limit the amount to 3 motifs, instead of two per alliance (Such as AD > DC / EP, or DC > AD / EP, or EP > AD / DC)