Two Moons Australia/New Zealand PvE guild

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
TWO MOONS is now recruiting! We are a drama free community of PVE endgame AUS/NZ players looking for members to smash trials, achievements & dungeons as well as be a part of a fun, social & supportive Guild. Our impressive Hall has EVERY set craft table, training dummies, Mundus Stones & more!

Post reply here if you'd like an invite and we'll send one as soon as we can.
  • Haquor
    Hi mate. Sydney based player here. Im in need of an Aus/NZ end game guild. Would appreciate an invite.

  • hackdrag0n
    Tried to invite you but you have 5 guilds. Let me know if you free up a slot and are still interested. Cheers
  • esidik
    Soul Shriven
    Hello there, would a non hardcore player from Indonesia be eligible to join? Thank you.
  • hackdrag0n
    Sure! We do run normal trials and events for casual players too.
    I'll get that done in a few hours once I'm home.
    Edited by hackdrag0n on 12 October 2020 20:53
  • huhjun1978
    if your trial start from 8h30pm AEST, please invite me: @huhjun1978
  • hackdrag0n
    Ah sorry 9pm nzdt/7pm aedt usually
  • livingdeaddoll_zx
    @livingdeaddoll_zx and @Fractal_Kitty can we get an invite please , end game Aussie players in need of Aussie end game guild
  • hackdrag0n
    Invites sent. Thanks for your interest
  • WySoSirius
    AWST here lookin for fellow timezoners to run progression completions , currently 1218CP

    Thank you
  • gambi1991
    Soul Shriven
    hi i just got the game and am looking for an aussie guild @gambi1991
  • Duskyplatypus59
    Soul Shriven
    Hi are you still taking members? Not doing vet level but looking for active dungeons / trials / social guild that runs events at better times than my awesome NA friends do. Invite please if that sounds right.
  • hackdrag0n
    Hi are you still taking members? Not doing vet level but looking for active dungeons / trials / social guild that runs events at better times than my awesome NA friends do. Invite please if that sounds right.

    Yes the guild is still active and running regular normal trials and other events. Will get an invite to you later today when I'm next online.

  • ScarletThorn
    please send me an invite @scarletthorn1979 thanks
  • daemondamian
    Hi, I'm an Aussie player looking for a guild primarily that I can do normal trials with on my healer or dps characters - would love an invite - thanks :)

  • Fingolfinn01
    Could I get an invite plz for @Fingolfinn01
  • Creola1234
    I'm already in an AU guild, but I looking more for players in the Perth time zone (= Java, Indonesia). I'm unable to find groups there for Craglorn wb, nDSA, IC horror & IC bosses (DC prefered). I'm not so interested in vet trials and I will buy HI at next Black Friday (end November) with 66% discount.

    <ed> Creola <dash> 5716
  • ScarletThorn
    I'd like to join Melbourne player Scarletthorn1979
  • Rontabs77
    Hi, I'm an Aussie player looking for a guild primarily that I can do normal trials with on my healer or dps characters - would love an invite - thanks :)


    Same here. Can I get an invite? My IGN is @Theurgie77
  • osakano
    whats ya discord server link?
  • iClique
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, could I get an invite?

    @iClique ingame
  • FatefulGrimoire
    Soul Shriven
    Couod I please get an invite @FatefulGrimoire
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