I recently launched a tool I created to help people with the fact that there's no searchable "auction house" in this game. I understand why some are opposed to this, and I'm fine with that, but the fact is that there are going to be times you just plain need to find something and one of your five guild's stores won't have it, or it'll be ridiculously overpriced. (I don't think the upcoming guild vendor bid system is going to help this much, either, since only the richest guilds will have access to it.)
Imagine a system where you can create two types of orders: a "buy" order ("I want to buy N number of X item at Y gold each") or a "sell" order ("I have N number of X item to sell at a price of Y gold each"). Other players can freely access this marketplace, see who's selling what and who's looking to buy what, and can
compare prices across the board to get the best deal.
That's what I've built in a nutshell:
It isn't "finished" by any means and the aesthetics are just twitter bootstrap, but it's usable. I'm still working on some planned features, but it's ready to be used now. And the more people who use it, the more useful it'll be.
The workflow is real simple: just go there, click "New Listing" at the top, and fill out the form. A working email address is required (this is just to prevent gold seller spam; I'm an individual developer, I pay for the VMs that run the app out of my own pocket and I'm not looking to *** out your info to anybody, I swear.) You'll get an email within a few minutes that has an "admin code". You'll enter that code at the listing's "view" location, and that'll activate it to be seen by the public at large. The public then views the listings and finds what they want to buy or sell, and
will need to contact the player in-game about their listing. There's no direct tie-in with the game, and no addon to install or worry about.
Please give it a shot and let me know what you think. Thanks!