Prepurchase Gold road but the free pet and mount not in collections

I prepurchased the gold road a day or so ago and online in the crown store it shows I have purchased it and there's supposed to be a pet (pup) and mount (wolf) that you are supposed to receive "today" but neither are in my collections. Anyone else seeing this?
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 26 January 2024 17:05
  • Cendrillion21
    Mine didn't show up until the next day. If it's been longer than that I'd submit a ticket.
    Campos de oro
  • Marigold1
    I have exactly same issue. Purchased today and no pre-purchase items...


  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it's an account issue.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_Phoenix

    If the pet and mount do not show up within the day, I would recommend opening a ticket here so that our team can take a closer look at your accounts.
    Staff Post
  • jrfk2

    If the pet and mount do not show up within the day, I would recommend opening a ticket here so that our team can take a closer look at your accounts.

    Thanks, I created ticket 240121-004648.
  • Marigold1
    as per your guidance I have created ticket 240122-000887 as still no items were delivered.
  • jrfk2
    Support asked for a screen shot of the purchase which I provided, they then said to reach out to the merchant (cdkeys) to ask for a new code to redeem that will include the missing items.
  • ZOS_Bill
    @jrfk2 and @Marigold1

    We have reached out via forum PM regarding your tickets.
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  • Marigold1
    jrfk2 wrote: »
    Support asked for a screen shot of the purchase which I provided, they then said to reach out to the merchant (cdkeys) to ask for a new code to redeem that will include the missing items.

    For me I am on the same boat. Same retailer “CDKeys” and same advice. I have already created ticket to retailer, however I am still surprised that ZOS did provide to retailer’s wrong keys which should be in circulation after release.
    I am wondering if we get NEW code if the system will accept it.
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    I've been having this exact same situation with the same vendor--it's worked previous years with no issue at all. If anyone else hears back and the issue is or isn't resolved, please update! I'll try to remember to do the same after checking when I log in tonight.

    I've submitted a ticket on both sites. I heard from ESO support that it's an issue with the vendor's code, but the vendor is still looking into it.
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • Marigold1
    I've been having this exact same situation with the same vendor--it's worked previous years with no issue at all. If anyone else hears back and the issue is or isn't resolved, please update! I'll try to remember to do the same after checking when I log in tonight.

    I've submitted a ticket on both sites. I heard from ESO support that it's an issue with the vendor's code, but the vendor is still looking into it.

    Same here for me. I have tickets on both sides as well. CDkeys are checking on their side and solution provided by ZOS I have refused. As a customer I don't care whose error it was... what I found most troubling is that retailers were probably provided by wrong codes or were not provided by pre-purchase (separate code) like in the past.
    From customer point of view every purchase prior release should be considered automatically as a pre-purchase because product was not yet released.

    Let's wait a bit to see what will happen.
  • Hch2611
    Same here. CDKeys and no pre-order mount/pet.
    I hope there will be a solution.
  • ZOS_Bill
    @tsaescishoeshiner - What is your current ticket number?

    @Hch2611 - Have you tried starting a support ticket yet?
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  • tsaescishoeshiner
    ZOS_Bill wrote: »
    @tsaescishoeshiner - What is your current ticket number?

    Mine is #240122-004483; last update was that it's an issue with the vendor-provided code not including the mount & pet. Not sure whether it's all supposed to be one code or if there should be a second one, but I've reached out to the vendor, too.
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • Hch2611
    ZOS_Bill wrote: »
    @tsaescishoeshiner - What is your current ticket number?

    @Hch2611 - Have you tried starting a support ticket yet?

    Not yet. I wrote first CDKeys after i read the comments here but CDKeys have actually no answer.
    CDKeys will look at this but i think CDKeys knows about the wrong keys and continue sells the wrong keys.

    I wish i found the comments here first before i bought the key.
  • Hch2611
    Now i opened a ticket too. 240125-001825.
  • ZOS_Bill
    @tsaescishoeshiner and @Hch2611

    I've contacted both of you via forum PM with updates on each of your tickets.
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  • Marigold1
    Out of curiosity did anyone managed to solve the problem?
  • jrfk2
    cdkeys told my friend with the same problem to go back o the URL that had the original key .. there should be 3 keys now .. use the other 2 keys for the pre-purchase items. I logged in and they were there immediately.
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    jrfk2 wrote: »
    cdkeys told my friend with the same problem to go back o the URL that had the original key .. there should be 3 keys now .. use the other 2 keys for the pre-purchase items. I logged in and they were there immediately.

    Yay, me too! Wahoo. :)
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • Marigold1
    cool... just checked them out and redeemed mine :smile:

    going to close my ticket now...
  • ZOS_Bill
    Thank you for the updates!

    With everyone receiving the additional keys for the pet and mount, we will now close this thread going forward.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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This discussion has been closed.