In harvesting nearly 1k wood nodes in Blackwood (during the event last November) and in the Gold Coast, Hew's Bane, and Wrothgar zones (during the current event), I have seen drop rates for Heartwood that suggest to me the event bonus is not working on this particular mat.
Outside of events, across nearly 5,000 pulls of (non-survey) resources nodes of all types, I have an overall drop rate on furnishing mats of 19.93%.
With a drop rate of 20% outside of events, the drop rate during events should be 36%, as the event adds a second independent pull every time you harvest a node. For heartwood my drop rate during the past two events is currently sitting at 21.83%.
For other types of nodes, during events that increase resources I have drop rates on furnishing mats all within 3 percentage points of the expected 36%. Heartwood alone remains significantly off. The distribution pattern (for 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, etc.) for other furnishing mats also adheres reasonably well to the expected values during an event.
The distribution pattern for Heartwood, however, is much closer to the expected values outside of events:
Expected values outside of the event (with PH):
1x Heartwood: 7.50%
2x Heartwood: 8.13%
3x Heartwood: 3.75%
4x Heartwood: 0.63%
Observed drop rate of Heartwood during the past two events (with PH):
1x Heartwood: 9.6%
2x Heartwood: 7.8%
3x Heartwood: 3.8%
4x Heartwood: 0.45%
5x-8x: none
Expected during an event (with PH) with a 20% drop chance each for the base and event pulls:
1x: 12%
2x: 13.56%
3x: 7.2%
4x: 2.22%
5x: 0.7%
6x: 0.24%
7x: 0.05%
8x: 0.004%