Make us invulnerable when frozen/paralyzed etc

This is the stupidest thing, getting pummeled by guards while being frozen stiff from Arcanist skills etc. HOW IS IT FAIR TO THE PLAYER WHO GETS FROZEN?!? Did you even think about how disruptive and unfair this would be?? Make us invulnerable, because this is pure cheating on your behalf! You're giving Wardens and Necromancers the ultimate abilities while us on the other end get ****** up by guards, who use their entire arsenal against us!

Make us invulnerable during paralyze status, because breaking free STILL doesn't work properly!
  • SeaGtGruff
    Being vulnerable while paralyzed has been a thing in the Elder Scrolls ever since Arena, the game that started the franchise, when getting paralyzed by a spider, medusa, or other enemy could mean having to watch helplessly as our character got killed without being able to fight back or run away.

    In fact, that is pretty much the reason why the paralyzation spell exists in the first place in fantasy RPGs-- to immobilize ones enemies so they can't fight back, defend themselves, or escape to safety while you're attacking them.

    Making the player invulnerable while paralyzed would be kind of lore-breaking, in my opinion.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • IZZEFlameLash
    You can always break free by hitting bash button. Not that it works the moment you press them half the time. But I do see lots of people that just jumped into PvP from PvE not break free (even in PvE realm I rarely see people break free or bash bosses). Then you can perhaps use immovable potions depending on what you are doing.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • DinoZavr
    Precognition always work. Always B)
    PC EU
  • Turtle_Bot
    Ideally they would fix the break free bug running around, but we all know how long it takes to get any combat related bugs fixed nowadays (if they get fixed).

    In the meantime though, the Slippery CP and immovability potions are going to be your best friend and rebinding your break free action to a single key (not the default left + right mouse buttons) somewhat helps, it just sucks having to relearn that muscle memory.
  • finehair
    Arcanist paralyze is the most broken stun in the game at the moment. I find it useful to roll dodge before the stun happens, as you can see the animation play on your characters head. So when it hits the stun, you will still dodge until you break free.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    finehair wrote: »
    Arcanist paralyze is the most broken stun in the game at the moment. I find it useful to roll dodge before the stun happens, as you can see the animation play on your characters head. So when it hits the stun, you will still dodge until you break free.

    This is not good advice.

    Do not try to roll dodge the stun. You will waste stamina roll dodging, then have to use more stamina to break free. It's why immobilize is potent when combined with the stun. Slot RaT so you don't have to waste stam getting out of a root.

    If you see the indicator, just block the stun. That's it. No stamina cost, no finicky break free, no nonsense. If they spam the stun, just keep tapping block while they blow their mag casting it.
  • Oblivion_Protocol
    finehair wrote: »
    Arcanist paralyze is the most broken stun in the game at the moment. I find it useful to roll dodge before the stun happens, as you can see the animation play on your characters head. So when it hits the stun, you will still dodge until you break free.

    Do NOT attempt to roll Dodge an Arcanist stun. It literally stuns you through Dodge. My roll Dodge muscle memory got me in too many situations where my character died frozen in mid-air with their head between their legs. Just block the stun.

    As for the OP’s suggestions, I’m pretty sure they meant make us invulnerable to NPCs while stunned. It makes some sense, as I’ve fought way too many people who were all too happy to los behind guards and let them do all the fighting.
  • GooGa592
    They do need to make break free work better during heavy combat, but a player absolutely should take damage while stunned or rooted. Otherwise 1-3 skills of every class would become worthless and everyone would just build for speed and run away.
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