I used large cherry trees from Auridon and flipped them over to make a canopy, maybe can do something like that to make some more branches to hide the emptiness? Or just keep adding trees.
Araneae6537 wrote: »I saw a build that did just that — I will see if I can find it. Basically, add lots of large trees beyond the property line — trees with a lot of horizontal size and detail such as the ancient banyans from the Grahtwood furnishing vendor are useful to include and I think would fit with the look of the area, with some smaller trees and plants scattered in the front and where visible.
EDIT: Sadly the one I had in mind is no longer posted (An Elder Scrolls Forest).But you might search the forum for the thread Forest Cottage, although the focus is on the cottage, the surrounding trees and other elements make it look like a cottage in High Isle.
Mr_Madness wrote: »
I'll try that but have to be cost effective since dead oak trees cost crowns and using PTS to figure out what I should do on live version.
The fores5t cottage is portable so I check it out tomorrow so thanks for the advice. I'll try use bamyan but from top of your head could you think of something that could blend with the dead oak trees?
Araneae6537 wrote: »
You don’t want all of the trees to be dead, do you? It is going to be much more difficult to create a feel of a dense forest with such trees because they take up relatively little visual space (compared to large shade trees, figs trees, banyans, etc.).
What is your goal with this build? If you want a whole forest that has died somehow all at once, lots of dead trees (check the Glenumbra furnishing vendor in Daggerfall) may be the only way. Or you could mix these in with new growth and fallen trees if it is part of the natural cycle.
freespirit wrote: »Tree, Old Charred Oak-400g, Tree, Charred Oak-250g, Tree, Young Charred Oak-100g, all three from Fargrave home goods vendor but lack the detail from your oak's branch ends.
Maybe you could mix them in and still make the area look fuller?
Edit:- I totally forgot about Tree, Murkmire Ossuary(which is maybe a bit too creepy?) and Witch’s Tree, Charred(which is very, very small tbh) both are from Lux Vendor at Halloween but should be available at guild traders.
Mr_Madness wrote: »
What about the Briarheart Tree, Replica?
Also ngl kinda mad that they don't list these in the tree section
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »Fill in the branches with some ivy maybe?
spartaxoxo wrote: »I didn't want mine to look more dense but rather more lively (I wanted it to look like a temple that could perform weddings that reclaimed the property after the exorcism), but the same concept could be used to make it more dense. I put trees near the entrance, on top of the rocks, and outside the property line to give it more of a lively look. I also used hedges.