Unless this is an intended feature which I cannot see a reason for, when you approach the last 6 or so pieces of a classes set curation starts to completely unravel and you begin getting pieces from other class sets other than what you're actively playing on.
Not only that but once you get down to the last few classes set curation just ceases to exist it seems. I am now getting pieces that are in my collection and have been bound for quite some time. So its not a matter of having it from the same run and forgetting to bind it. I have finished Warden, Templar, Necromancer, and Sorcerer to 100%.. so when I ran EA on my Dragonknight last night I was expecting to get DK gear, instead I got Warden, and Necromancer stuff.. even a Nightblade bow I already had.
Is this intended?
Edited by Caligamy_ESO on 5 December 2023 20:31