Curative Rune Form - Arcanist

Is it just me or are the abilities in this line just not worth running. I don't use any as I can get better abilities else Vigor and race against time. Even the ult sucks.
It's the only class that I don't have at least 1 ability from a skill line slotted.
  • DocFrost72
    These abilities are support focused. I tend to run a few of them even on my damage focused solo PvE builds for buffs and healing.

    The ult is really good in group, but one morph is very useful (damage) while the other less so (healing) due to the way cleave damage works. In dungeons you notice it, in trials its not even a competition.

    I imagine you might see less utility in PvP in the line, but not none. One of the really potent things an arcanist can do is heal under a negate at full tilt, and that's an honor shared only by warden (and even then arcanist does it far better). In group play I could see the benefit of a stam arcanist support in the team.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Empowering Disc is a great skill that provides multiple good buffs to your whole group.

    Chakrams is one of the best "healing" skills in the game - on a max mag toon (even a DPS) you can reach absurd numbers on the second cast (10k+) which provides tons of durability to your group. Chakram of Destiny builds crux and can be woven with Runeward to ensure you always have 3 crux. You can also take the healing morph, which is one of the strongest HoTs in the game and applies to 4 people per cast.

    Curative Surge has some of the highest healing/sec out of any ability in the game, surpassing even most ultimates. Because it has an incremental cost (cost/0.3sec), it can be made FREE with spell cost reduction glyphs.

    Runemend is a little mid as far as a burst heal goes, but still pairs well with Arcanist's shields - it can be woven in between casts of Runeward to build crux.

    You should always have a Curative Runeform ability on bar if you're running any of the Arcanist shields - simply having one slotted both reduces the cost and increases the potency of shields.
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on 4 December 2023 14:28
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