Should Cinder Storm's range be at 28m instead of 22m?

This poll only applies to the Dragon Knight skill "Cinder Storm", which heals you and your allies who are in it. The range of this skill is only 22m, while most other healing AoE skills have a range of at least 28m, making it easier to heal.
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Should Cinder Storm's range be at 28m instead of 22m? 19 votes

Yes! It should be at 28m.
36% 7 votes
No! It's fine in its current state.
63% 12 votes
  • Hotdog_23
    Sure, why not? But my guess is the reason it’s not is the reducing movement speed by 70%, which is why it’s limited to 22m for PVP reasons. Honestly, I've never seen a DK healer use it anyway due to the radius being so small at 5m. I've only ever seen tanks use it for themselves, really.

    Stay safe :)
  • Ren_TheRedFox
    @Hotdog_23 same I would reduce the snare to maybe 40% or so and make the range bigger cause it is a strong AoE heal with a unique cost style. I'm using it on my healer but the range is a real pain cause you always have to recast it.
    PC NA and EU
  • YandereGirlfriend
    The bigger change that I would like to see on this is increasing the radius to at least 6 meters. It would still be the smallest class area AOE HOT in the game but at least it would be slightly more useful.
  • taugrim
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    Sure, why not? But my guess is the reason it’s not is the reducing movement speed by 70%, which is why it’s limited to 22m for PVP reasons. Honestly, I've never seen a DK healer use it anyway due to the radius being so small at 5m. I've only ever seen tanks use it for themselves, really.

    Stay safe :)

    That snare is an amazing getaway / pole kiting skill. It's an amazing tool to kite around LoS areas, tunnels / bridges / stairs, etc.

    Abilities like this that have massive utility on an incredibly strong class do. not. need. to. be. buffed.

    Seriously, this is DK we're talking about here.

    If we were talking about buffing a Necro ability, that would be a very different conversation.
    Edited by taugrim on 12 November 2023 05:28
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  • IZZEFlameLash
    Don't care much either way but I am all for making the range consistent to other comparatively ranged skills.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • Ren_TheRedFox
    @taugrim I was talking from a "healer POV" since it's the only healing AoE skill of the DK ... I generally think this skill is poorly designed, as it makes no sense to me why a healing AoE skill would snare your enemies. However, if you compare it to other AoE healing skills like Corrupting Pollen, I would prefer the snare over the Major Defile that can't be removed while you're in it. However, if you increased the range of this skill and maybe replaced the snare with something like a minor recovery buff or minor protection (since it's the only class without that buff), I think it would be more useful. I know DKs are generally overperforming, but the healing aspect isn't as strong with them since they are originally tanks/dps, but look at the arcanist and warden .... both are dps/tank/healer classes with all the utility buffs you need...
    PC NA and EU
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