Can't max out event tickets

I have 11/12 event tickets, and completed a dungeon; I received the "Too many event tickets" message.

Instead of getting one event ticket, I received none - and also did not gain the "earn an event ticket" daily endeavour.
This seems like a bug to me.
  • deyjasagus
    I thought I'd see if the sane thing happened this morning on the last day of the event. I had 11 tickets going into FG1 and I was also unable to get a 12th ticket since the two that would have been awarded would have put me over the limit.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you look into this before the next event? The more reasonable thing to have happen in a situation like this is to get a confirmation window showing that if we complete looting the boss, or whatever action might occur in the next event, we would lose a ticket.

    With the way it is now we lose a ticket regardless but personally I'd rather be at 12/12 and lose 1 then 11/12 and lose 1.
    Edited by deyjasagus on 19 September 2023 10:15
  • wilykcat
    Neither can I. I have 11/12 tickets. I do a dungeon. Instead I get zero tickets. I should of recieved only one ticket (partial credit).
  • nankeenheron
    This is still a problem with the Witches Festival. :/
  • KlauthWarthog
    I have resorted to getting companion commendations to free up ticket slots, and be able to max them out.
    They will release new companions eventually, so it is not a total loss.
  • SilverBride
    This happened to me the other day when I had 11 tickets. So I bought a spider web cone for 1 ticket which left me with 10, then killed a World Boss and got my 2 tickets.
    Edited by SilverBride on 4 November 2023 00:44
  • shadyjane62
    My problem is that I get the event tickets but that the last two days they are not being applied to endeavor.

    My account on PCNA had no problem, but PCEU I have been unable to complete weekly endeavor.
  • Blutengel
    For some reason, I can't earn any event tickets no matter what I do today. Was trying to get the endeavor.
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