Magplar Build Help

Was hoping to get some input on my PvP build. I thought the stats would keep me from getting mowed down and maybe hurt someone, but nah...

Best Answers

  • gariondavey
    Keeping in the style of your build, do this instead:
    Back bar wretched vitality
    Front bar stuhn's favor
    Add in 1 trainee piece, 1 markyn ring
    Add in bloodspawn or balorgh
    Have at least 33k hp, preferably 35k. All tri stat glyphs, jewels infused with spell damage glyphs, sharp maul or 1 nirn hammer 1 sharp hammer with double dot poisons or 1 absorb stam glyph + 1 poison glyph, powered or defending ice staff back bar with 350 wd enchant.
    Helm, shoulders medium, impen or well fitted
    Gloves, belt light, impen or well fitted
    Chest boots pants heavy, all reinforced

    Both those 5 piece gear sets are craftable.

    Beam, sweeps (if you indeed want to go mag morph), honor the dead, solar barrage, toppling charge, crescent sweep or dawnbreaker

    Race against time, elemental susceptibility, resolving vigor, living dark/extended ritual, rune, practiced incantation

    Atro mundas, sugar skulls food or jewels of misrule

    Use alliance spell pot (spell damage, spell crit, mag)

    With this you'll have 20k+ pen, 6-7k spell damage, 28k+ resists, excellent recoveries
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
    Answer ✓
  • Udrath
    Shoot for highest spell damage and penetration possible. Pretty much the build above @gariondavey posted. Except if you’re Khajiit then stack crit damage with shadow Mundas and get 36-40% crit chance and swap out stuhn with orders wrath or back alley gourmand.
    Edited by Udrath on 5 August 2023 09:28
    Answer ✓
  • jk07j05b14_ESO
    Keeping in the style of your build, do this instead:
    sweeps (if you indeed want to go mag morph)

    Thanks for all the information! I have seen mag builds using biting jabs and I have tried it, but I run out of stam quick. I will try this build and let you know how it goes. Thanks!
  • jk07j05b14_ESO
    @gariondavey Thanks for the build. I have it all to purple with gold enchants and have been playing it a week and a half. I must suck as I still die if I try to go for the kill. If I focus on keeping up my buffs, healing, and dodging I can live a bit, but I can't kill anyone 1v1 really. And forget 1v2/x.

    Can't believe I am the worse player I have come across but apparently so. I must suck pretty bad. Suppose I move on to something else or make this character a PvP healer and just stay back?
  • Rhaegar75
    Any magplar descended into the damage price debauchery yet?
  • jk07j05b14_ESO
    Rhaegar75 wrote: »
    Any magplar descended into the damage price debauchery yet?

    I am not sure what you mean :tongue:
  • Amerises
    I like Shattered Fate over Stuhn’s personally, and instead of trainee + Monster Set, I use 3 piece Shell Splitter for the pen. Obviously you see the thread about Javelin + Meteor + Beam, so I’d use that, as most people melt if they don’t know how to counter it. Also, I don’t use Solar Barrage, but use Camo Hunter instead (extra ultimate for killing someone and 3% SD, plus 5% on all abilities when proc is met). Lastly, I don’t like Honor the Dead, I backbar Mara’s with a shield and will bunker down if low, so I replace that with Degeneration, and then use tri-pots, which help with stam for blocking.

    A little bit different if a build, but I find it works pretty well for me.
  • Giljabrar
    Hey, if you're still looking for some tips/build ideas, feel free to add me in game. My name on the server is the same as my @, I'd be happy to go over some things in game with ya or in voice. Could get some duels in and see which build/playstyle suits your needs.
  • UsualSurrender
    Templar's survivability is good, which allow us to use 2 damage sets.

    Currently using Deadly + War Maiden + Gaze of Sithis, and having a blast.
    Front bar: Sweep, Elemental Sus, Toppling Charge, Jesus Beam, Solar Barrage, Crescent Sweep
    Back bar: Honor the Dead, Living Dark, Mist (or Race Against Time), Rune, Ritual, Any Ult.
    Vampire is recommended, but not mandatory.

    Mind you I play in the Ravenwatch campaign, so I don't know how well it does against procs and cheese.
    Edited by UsualSurrender on 28 August 2023 08:15
  • Cast_El
    Templar's survivability is good, which allow us to use 2 damage sets.

    Currently using Deadly + War Maiden + Gaze of Sithis, and having a blast.
    Front bar: Sweep, Elemental Sus, Toppling Charge, Jesus Beam, Solar Barrage, Crescent Sweep
    Back bar: Honor the Dead, Living Dark, Mist (or Race Against Time), Rune, Ritual, Any Ult.
    Vampire is recommended, but not mandatory.

    Mind you I play in the Ravenwatch campaign, so I don't know how well it does against procs and cheese.

    You will get melt with this set up in proc campaign. You need one defensive set or sustain set to be able to block roll dodge more often. And use balorgh as second offensive set
  • Cast_El
    Deadly+ balorgh+malacath is the way to go for Melee build. Back bar: olorime or wretched vitality.
    You can change deadly for stuhn or clever.

    You can also use markyn with acuity.all thoses set up are good.
    My Jab tool tips is higher than 5k per tick
  • ceruulean
    I mostly play BGs so here's my opinion

    Templar really needs balorgh imo, otherwise do no dmg. Balorgh is good with resto ult, it's silent and ppl don't know that you're ready to go offensive. Templar with yo-yo HP baits bloodlust. Especially because jesus beam seems to trigger unreasonable rage in some folks. Dawnbreaker is good too for the burst.

    Unless the team has competent brawlers who are not afraid of going in, then I might switch to a support monster set (magma, ozezan). Otherwise if you have unreliable teammates, balorgh + rallying cry + ele sus skill is your best option for essentially solo. Ele sus procs all status effects so it's a huge dmg boost with concussed.

    Backbar set depends on game mode. Capture the relic, use wretched vitality. If the group sticks together then powerful assault or rallying cry or even curse eater.

    Jabs build is good until an arcanist appears, which is pretty much almost always. Jabs is weak AF against arcanist, just disengage if you are jabs build. Jabs only good in no-proc or 1v1.

    Front bar I use war maiden because I spam dark flare. I want to try draugrkin with the templar fire skill but I can't be azzed to farm that dungeon. Rangeplar is superior for BG and cyro because it shuts down opposing ranged enemy. Most ranged specs don't have the staying power of templar. If you get them to roll dodge instead of attack it's very helpful. Roll dodge wastes a lot of time and stam.

    Maybe it's my playstyle and I suck at melee templar. I don't like toppling charge because it puts you out of position, all just to chase some random squishy. Zzz. Aurora javelin's unblockable stun is more valuable against green beamers, and the ignored resistance can net kills too. Javelin also helps to break up a group for 1 or 2 seconds, whereas toppling charge makes you break your own group, and you aren't a dk with aoe cc or ez "I live" button.

    Also this weekends deathmatch is full of cheesy dark convergence bombers. Again melee gets shafted. Only way I can see jab templar work is if you build high speed like a nightblade/sorc, but then you might as well play nightblade or stamsorc with free minor expedition.
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