~<Undying Spirit>~ EP Social PVX Recruiting! PC/NA

PC/NA Guild

Now, who are we?
Undying Spirit is a guild that has been a part of Elder Scrolls Online since Closed Beta. After a long hiatus though we are returning to adventure throughout Nirn. Our goal has always been to make friends and to form bonds with members of the grander MMO community. We offer a friendly family like atmosphere where everyone can come to hang out, relax and wander the lands of Tamriel while having a good time filled with friendly talk and banter.
We pride ourselves on being casual but we like to play well, many of us seeking to improve ourselves and willing to help others do so. We like to participate in many aspects of ESO.

Undying Spirit is a majority EP guild, so events are EP related. Other factions are welcome, and we hold no grudges if we get ran over by guildmates.

We enjoy pvping, including nights of laid back group play in Cyrodiil to wading knee deep into the sewers of the Imperial City. We also will do some BGs every once in a while. We are not the type of group to be disheartened by a forced respawn, instead we find a new path and continue to have fun, paving the way with our ene… our blood.

Dungeon diving is a great time for all. We have groups that like to do normal dungeons, and as we get back into the swing of things we'll start to tackle veteran content. And depending on interest and number of people would be willing to tackle trials.

Guild Hall: We offer a guild hall that is ever growing. It is a home we are very proud of. It offers furnishings such as:
Banker, Merchant, Alchemy, Enchanting, Transmute, Outfitter, Provisioning. All the Mundus stones.
Current list of attuned stations:

Ancient Dragonguard
Armor Master
Assassin's Guile
Clever Alchemist
Daring Corsair
Eternal Hunt
Fortified Brass
Hundings Rage
Innate Axiom
Kagrenac's Hope
Law of Julianos
New Moon Acolytes
Night Mother's
Night Silence
Nocturnal's Favor
Torug's Pact
Twice-born Star
Way of the Arena
Willows Path
Adept Rider
Alessia's Bulwark
Ashen Grip
Noble Conquest
Heartland Conqueror
Wretched Vitality

Adding more as I go.

Discord plays an integral role for our guild. It allows us to communicate inside and outside of the game. Notify members of upcoming events. Etc. We prefer to talk to one another as it is easier and more convenient. Also it is more personal and you really get to know one another. So if you wish to join our guild, be willing to socialize and join us. You'll make friends fast.

Final Notes
A few questions for those willing to apply:
1. Are you comfortable using Discord? (aforementioned, but in case ya'll scrolled. Lazy ***.)
2. Will you contribute to guild discussions and activities?
3. Are you familiar and comfortable with participating in insane shenanigans that may or may not result in gear repairs, death, and frustration? (Oh, c'mon, we'll have a blast )
4. Do you have a Spirit Undying?

Thank you for reading this far!
As far as rules and regulations go, we have two: Be respectful. I feel, as guild leader, that respect is the most important rule. The second, be social, we are here to play with others, so … do so.

We do have a 14 day inactivity policy. But if you notify us, we'll make note and will not remove you.

If you think you want to be a part of our small community, please message me in game. @WintersNoble or Apply!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<UNDYING SPIRIT>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Makayla - LV50 Breton Magicka Sorcerer (DD) - EP Azuramari - LV50 Breton Magicka Dragonknight (Tank/DD) - EPShadowFire - LV50 Dunmer Dragonknight (DD) - EPKatarina Zelonis - LV50 Breton Magicka Templar (DD/HEALS) - EPBrenna Gwyn - LV50 Bosmer Stamina Nightblade (DD) - EPVeronika Zelonis - LV50 Breton Magicka Necromancer (DD) - EPTalyanna Zelonis - LV50 Bosmer Stamina Templar (DD) - EPAurorale - LV50 Nord Stamina Sorcerer (DD) - EPKody - LV50 Breton Magicka Warden (DD) - EPCelestia Cloudstride - LV16 Breton Magicka Nightblade (DD) - EPFreyja Cloudstride - LV 50 Nord Stamina Dragonknight (DD/Tank) - EPStirs Fear Among The Dark - LV34 Nord Stamina Dragonknight (Storage trunk) - EPRIP - B A D S
  • Medivh50
    I am interested in joining
    Stam Sorc ~ Ride Simpletree
    Pet Sorc ~ Scrupulous Simpletree
    Mag Warden ~ Sinister Simpletree
    Necro ~ Mystic Simpletree

    "I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee."
    —Every single guard, everywhere.
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