Pvp really needs to change ap based on population. Low pop bonus isn't enough. If equal population, 100%. For every bar less than highest current alliance, you gain 15%. If most population is on one side, 3 bars vs 2 vs 2, the 3 bar loses 15%. If pop locked vs 1 bar vs 3 bar, -15% to pop lock side, +45% to 1 bar, + 15% to 3 bar.
Rewards. Winning a 30 day campaign should give winner 300,000 gold per character at rank 3, gold pvp jewelry AND 300,00 ap. 2nd is 200,00 gold/ap with purple jewelry and 3rd is 100,000 gold/ ap with blue jewelry. I think top 3% per alliance should get a pvp specific weapon (new set weapon for pvpers). The weapon should be similar to maelstrom or master weapons, but specifically aimed for pvp. It needs to be sellable! That way people who don't play as much can still get it.
Grouping. Give a group lead 10% bonus ap that stacks with other bonuses. Guilds should get ap and have guild leaderboards. Guild ap can be spent on new merchants at bases and also to upgrade keeps they own. Upgrades for walls, npc's and doors. Additionally they should allow upgrades to add oiler npcs at doors. Also a "boss" npc for flags, options for dk, sorc, etc per flag. Guilds get guild ap over time from holding keeps, from defense ticks, and by a group lead being at offensive ticks (must have tabbard equipped in a group as lead). Guilds need love!
The above changes would help equilibrium in pvp, add rewards that make the campaign worth playing for and make Guilds more meaningful.