I poked around online a bit and couldn't confirm, are all of the Leaderboards rewards still tied to the top 100 players? I couldn't confirm in-game or a quick search online if the rewards specifically were tied to payouts. I know Cyrodiil campaigns payouts are tied to your Campaign Reward tier, but is there additional rewards if you score top 100 in your alliance? I know Trials, Battlegrounds, and Solo arenas show top 100 players, and I recall getting rewards when doing the weekly trial/arena, but not all the time.
I think Tales of Tribute has payouts when you rank up each stage, but then there is a payout to the top 1% and top 10% players at the end of the season. Is Tribute the only one tied to a % of players, but all the others are all tied to top 100?
I like to compete sometimes, but I don't like to grind and grind and grind for the perfect score. I'd like bonus rewards for doing well and I suppose I'm curious if I should avoid these when a lot of other people are competing because getting into the top 100 is a lot harder when there's many more people competing. 😅
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 26 September 2023 03:14